UTC History Faculty are busy over the summer. Prof. Fang Yu Hu shares what she’ll be up to.

Research and Writing — This summer, I will conduct an eight-week research trip in Taiwan to complete the research necessary for my book manuscript. The manuscript is tentatively entitled “Good Wife, Wise Mother”: Educating Han Taiwanese Girls under Japanese Colonial Rule, 1895-1945. Upon my return to the U.S., I will engage in eight-week intensive writing of two chapters of my book manuscript, funded by a 2019-2020 AAUW Short-term Research Publication Grant.

Class Preparation — I am excited to teach a new class on the Rise and the Fall of the Japanese Empire in Fall 2019. This course will examine the Japanese empire using a colony-centric approach. It will attempt to understand the creation, maintenance, and the collapse of the Japanese empire through its colonies and occupied territories. It will examine the ideologies and policies of Japanese colonists and the responses of the colonized people to Japanese rule.