The Department of History and the Africana Studies Program are pleased to again partner with RISE Chattanooga and the People’s History of Chattanooga Project this Spring to offer four walking tours at no cost to members of the UTC community. Two RISE tours will take place on Saturdays and highlight the rich history and culture of the MLK neighborhood and community. Two People’s History tours will be offered on Wednesday evenings and focus on “White Supremacy and Anti-Racist Resistance in Chattanooga.” Descriptions, dates, and other details are provided below, and questions may be addressed to michelle-dell@utc.edu.
RISE MLK Walking Tours
Description: “The MLK community reflects over 100 years of African American history and commerce in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Since 1994, the community has been listed on the National Register as an area of great historical significance. Once known as the ‘Big Nine,’ MLK Boulevard (formerly Ninth Street) is the only remaining cohesive area historically associated with Chattanooga African Americans. Join us for a walking tour of the MLK Neighborhood featuring the cultural and music history, historic buildings and public art that makes the neighborhood pop! The tour will last about 1 to 1½ hours and will include breaks to talk about points of interest.”
Dates and Times:
Saturday, March 27th, 11:30am
Saturday, April 10th, 11:30am
Limited to 20 in-person participants per tour
Masks and social distancing required
Meet at Miller Park’s EPB Stage (1000 Market Street)
RSVP ASAP to Ms. Shelly Dell at michelle-dell@utc.edu
People’s History of Chattanooga Walking Tours
Description: “The theme of the People’s History of Chattanooga tour is ‘White Supremacy and Anti-Racist Resistance in Chattanooga.’ This 1½ to 2-hour tour covers topics including antebellum Chattanooga and slavery, the Civil War and abolition, Reconstruction and the rise of Jim Crow, white supremacist reaction, the bus boycott of 1905, the local civil rights movement, the 1971 race riots, the KKK shooting on Ninth Street, and much more.”
Dates and Times:
Wednesday, March 31st, 5:30pm
Wednesday, April 7th, 5:30pm
Limited to 20 in-person participants per tour
Masks and social distancing required
Meet at Miller Plaza’s Waterhouse Pavilion (850 Market Street)
RSVP ASAP to Ms. Shelly Dell at michelle-dell@utc.edu