Mo Wilson, a 2022-23 scholarship recipient, on why they chose to major in history.
I chose history because I see context to current events as the most important thing a person can learn. Without learning about where we came from, we cannot truly know our selves. This can be seen on a personal level up to a global one. Figuring out how a society grew, how we learn about that history, and how that history itself has changed and grown, is one of the most important aspects of learning about anything.
I chose to pursue this degree at UTC because when I looked into the courses and faculty offered at UTC, I saw passion. Attending those classes only cemented that passion. By being a part of the UTC history department, I am not only able to see that passion up close, but also be a part of that. That love of history is contagious.
Being a recipient of a scholarship was a big deal to me as it was the first time that my love for history could be seen outside of my studies. History wasn’t a hobby or a past time but a career. It was the first time I achieved something and it made it real. History is going to be something I use and apply for the rest of my life and winning my first scholarship was the first step.