Recent UTC graduate Brad Crush spent four years in the Marine Corps, which helped set him on the path toward receiving his BA in History this past December.
The people of UTC: Get to know Michael Williams
Dr. Michael Williams, Professor of History and Director of Africana Studies, was recently featured as one of the People of UTC. In his interview, he describes his vision for Africana Studies at UTC, and how to connect the university with the Chattanooga community.
UT President Boyd on Why History Matters
The Fall 2022 issue of Our Tennessee magazine focuses on how the humanities and arts enrich our lives. In his “President’s Desk” column, UT System President Randy Boyd sums up well why studying history is so important.
Opinion: America and the world need history majors
A great article on why we need history majors!
Dr. Julia Cummiskey on COVID-19: It’s Time to Invest in Public Health Infrastructure
Dr. Julia Cummiskey, assistant professor of history, is currently completing a post-doctoral fellowship in the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Department of the History of Medicine. Dr. Cummiskey authored the below article as part of a series on “A Historical Guide to Pandemic Responses,” published by the JHU Department of the History of Medicine.