The UTC History faculty had a productive summer! Here’s what they have to report.
Modern Racism: Students Create Documentaries on Prejudice in Hungary
This UTC News Release spotlighted the study tour and films completed by students in Dr. John Swanson’s class on minorities in Hungary.
Student Documentaries on Minorities in Hungary
Over spring break 2018, Department Head John Swanson led a study tour in Hungary for the UTC students in his class on “Minorities in 20th Century Europe: Jews, Germans, and Roma.” The students worked in groups and made short documentary films exploring the past and present circumstances of minority groups in Hungary.
Students Engage History Through Film — Events
Students in two UTC History courses in the Spring 2018 semester participated in study tours to regions they were examining in class and made films about their experiences engaging with history.
Dr. John Swanson’s “Fantastic” Book
A review of Dr. John Swanson’s “fantastic” and “important” new book.