CPSC 4910 Senior Capstone Project
Course description:
Continuation of the group design effort started in CPSC 4900. Implementation of a computer science project. Oral and written presentation of progress and final results required. Prerequisites: CPSC 4900 with a grade of C or better and senior standing in computer science or department head approval. Supplementary course fee assessed.Continuation of the design project began in CPSC 4900.
CPSC 4900 with a grade of C or better and senior standing in computer science or approval of the department head approval
Course outcomes:
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1) Ability to work as a team to produce a software product 2) Demonstrate an ability to produce a peer-rating report for each team member. 3) Students will assume an assigned role in an SDLC team responsible for analyzing, designing, implementing, testing, and deploying a significant software product. |
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1) Uses new languages and technologies |
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2) Demonstrate knowledge and use of various programming tools and skills like objects, classes, data types, iterations and program debugging and testing including use of SDE 3) Demonstrate knowledge of and use of software project design skills like coding, documentation and related skills a) Students will assume an assigned role in an SDLC team responsible for analyzing, designing, implementing, testing, and deploying a significant software product. b) Students will work as a team to produce a project plan and System Requirements Specification (SRS) c) Students will work as a team to produce a System Design Specification and source code d) Student will work as a team to produce test plans and systems documentation e) Students will work as a team to make a formal system demonstration and produce a peer-rating report for each member of their team 4) Identify and describe the good and bad aspects of their experience |
Project 1: Campus Uber
The “UTC CAMPUS UBER FOR SAFETY” is a Mobile Application used within the Campus. The Main Purpose of the Application is to provide a Secure and Safety ride at night for students living on campus, the application allows students with smartphones to find nearby friends and walk together, or request a free ride from UTC campus police.
The project is being developed to promote campus safety. The goal is to shield students from campus crimes such as robbery and violence against women. This helps to assist students safely travel back to their dorms during nights after their study time from the Classes, Library or Study Rooms. The results of this project helps students and campus police to schedule how to commute on campus during night hours.
The UTC CAMPUS UBER FOR SAFETY is a smartphone application. In this application the user (students) will have two options in which he/she can either select ‘WALK with FRIEND’ or ‘RIDE with POLICE’. If he/she chooses a ride with police then they will have certain fields to be filled such as Name of the Student, UTC ID, Pickup Location and Destination Location and request a ride or else if they wish to walk with a friend then they will contact friend by choosing ‘Walk with a Friend’ option.

Project 2: MOCS ARCADE
CompUTC, the computer science student organization has built a retro-style arcade cabinet (pictured) to encourage students to develop and publish their own video games.

Project 3:Company: Life Care Centers of America
Contact: Gene_Chastain@lcca.com
As with most enterprise applications, companies need to have a certain number of licenses for each application. The number of licenses is usually dependent upon how many people use the application. With Life Care Centers of America (LCCA), there is no way to monitor who actively uses Microsoft Office applications. If Office is installed on a computer, and no one has used office in the past 90 days, LCCA wants to deallocate a license for that computer. To accomplish this “in-house” auditing, LCCA would like a sort of “watchdog” to monitor Microsoft Office usage in the company, as well as a means to monitor the number of required licenses.
Project 4: Product Customizer
This application will be used to make custom organizers with drawers.What we will be programming will be a user interface with multiplevariables, thus allowing the user to design a custom organizer within setparameters.TwinLilies is an e-commerce website for ordering acrylicboxes online.The product is aimed towards consumers who have aninterest in makeup, both professional and avid collectors, of all gendersand ages.