The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Department of Mathematics welcomes Dr. Xiunan Wang to the faculty for the 2021-22 academic year. She will be serving as an Assistant Professor in the department. Wang originally obtained her tenure-track position offer from UTC in 2020 however was delayed to start in Fall 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Wang is originally from China and received her Ph.D. from Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada in 2017, under supervision of Dr. Xiaoqiang Zhao. After graduating from MUN and before joining UTC, she worked as a postdoc with Dr. Xingfu Zou at the University of Western Ontario and with Dr. Hao Wang, Dr. Mark Lewis and Dr. Michael Li at the University of Alberta.
Wang’s research area is Mathematical Biology. She uses the methods and theories from differential equations and dynamical systems to solve problems in ecology, epidemiology, and immunology. The projects that she and her collaborators have studied during the past few years include rabies transmission in spatially heterogeneous environments, the effects of insecticide-treated bed nets and novel bacteria in malaria control, modeling Lyme disease among tick population with stage-dependent feeding durations, stage-structured mosquito population dynamics with nested delays, HIV infection dynamics and treatment evaluation, the impact of regional climate on sea lice dynamics on salmon farms, seasonal predator-prey population cycles, review of delay differential equations and memory-based animal movement models, and prediction of COVID-19 daily confirmed cases.
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