Please join us for the CUP-ECS Colloquium, "MPI Partitioned Communication for Highly Concurrent and Heterogeneous Systems," …
Math and SimCenter Colloquium: Virtual Knot Theory, given by Louis H. Kauffman
SimCenter and Department of Mathematics Colloquium Friday, February 19, 2021 at 2:00 PM (join here) Virtual Knot …
Medury, Altarawneh, and Skjellum Receive Certificate of Best Paper
Congratulations to Sai Medury, Amani Altarawneh and Dr. Anthony Skjellum for receiving "Best Paper" in the category of File and …
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CUP-ECS Colloquium: Determining Proxy Application Fidelity using ML-Based Similarity Methods
Please join us for the CUP-ECS Colloquium, "Determining Proxy Application Fidelity using ML-Based Similarity Methods," presented …
First CUP-ECS Colloquium, Kokkos: C++ Performance Portability on HPC Platforms
Please join us for the first CUP-ECS Colloquium, Kokkos: C++ Performance Portability on HPC Platforms, presented by University of …