The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $465,484 in external grant and contract awards:
Dr. Chris Cunningham (Psychology), in partnership with Dr. Mukta Panda at the UT College of Medicine – Chattanooga, has received $99,484 from the Yium Family Foundation for the project entitled, “Finding and sustaining motivation and a sense of meaning in medicine.”
Dr. Anthony Skjellum (SIMCenter) has received supplemental REU funding of $16,000 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “SHF: Small: Collaborative Research: Coupling Computation and Communication in FPGA-Enhanced Clouds and Clusters.”
Drs. Anthony Skjellum (SIMCenter) and Craig Tanis (Computer Science and Engineering) have requested and received $100,000 from the Department of Energy via Sandia National Laboratories for the project entitled, “Partitioned Communication Project.”
Drs. Anthony Skjellum (SIMCenter), Farah Kandah (Computer Science and Engineering), and Donald Reising (Electrical Engineering) have received $250,000 from the State of Tennessee Appropriations for the project entitled, “REVV: Development of a sensor to detect and monitor potential health risks in the home.”
The following UTC faculty and staff have attracted emergency funds for COVID-19 relief:
Tyler Forrest (Business & Financial Affairs) has requested and received $9,513,779 in emergency relief funds from the U.S. Department of Education under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
Bryan Lane (WUTC) has requested and received $75,000 in emergency relief funds from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
The following UTC faculty and staff have received individual awards:
Dr. Fang Yu Hu (History) has received $6,000 from the American Association of University Women for the project entitled, “Book Manuscript: ‘Good Wife, Wise Mother’: Educating Han Taiwanese Girls in the Japanese Empire, 1895-1945.”
Good Luck!
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $3,693,269 in external funding, if awarded:
Drs. Jennifer Ellis (School of Education) and Joseph Kizza (Computer Science and Engineering) have requested $298,576 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “GigCity CS4All: Creating an Inclusive 21st Century Gig-Enabled Teaching and Learning Community.”
Drs. Loren Hayes (Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science), Craig Tanis (Computer Science and Engineering), and Jin Wang (Mathematics) have requested $610,809 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Comparative and computational analyses of climatic and life history drivers of variable social organization in mammals.”
Dr. David Levine (Physical Therapy) has requested $4,972 from the Ehlers-Danlos Society for the project entitled, “The Effects of Physical Therapy on Patients with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.”
Drs. James Newman, Kidambi Sreenivas (Mechanical Engineering), and Craig Tanis (Computer Science and Engineering) have requested $535,125 from the University of Dayton Research Institute for the project entitled, “Hypersonic Vehicle Structure Critical Technology Gaps.”
Drs. Mina Sartipi (CUIP) and Chandra Ward (Social, Cultural, and Justice Studies) have requested $120,000 from the Chattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority for the project entitled, “AI-Engine for Optimizing Integrated Service in Mixed Fleet Transit Operations.”
Drs. Mina Sartipi (CUIP), Yu Liang, Dalei Wu (Computer Science and Engineering), and Osama Osman (Civil and Chemical Engineering) have requested $1,893,168 from the Department of Energy for the project entitled, “Developing an Energy-Conscious Traffic Signal Control System for Optimized Fuel Consumption in Connected Vehicle Environments.”
Drs. Jin Wang (Mathematics), Gregory Heath (Health & Human Performance), Deborah Mullen (Management), and Mr. Charlie Mix (IGTLab) have requested $105,619 from the National Institutes of Health for the project entitled, “Modeling the spread of COVID-19 and its impact on public health and the economy.”
Dr. Kimberly Wingate (School of Education) has requested $125,000 from the Tennessee Department of Education for the project entitled, “Special Education Additional Endorsement.”