Updates and news for the week of September 26 – October 2, 2023
The UTC Campus Weekly newsletter is distributed every Tuesday morning. If you have news, events or announcements you would like shared with campus, please submit your information to chuck-wasserstrom@utc.edu in the Division of Communications and Marketing by 3 p.m. on Friday for placement in the following Tuesday’s newsletter.
Check Out What’s Happening at UTC

Discover, plan and attend campus events with ease thanks to the new and improved UTC Events Calendar. Users can now find events hosted by Mocs Athletics, the UTC Library, faculty and student organizations and more all in this one, convenient location.
- UTC faculty, staff and students can create customizable weekly event feeds and submit events through the new calendar system, which is also accessible by the public.
- Read more at UTC Events Calendar FAQ. For more information, email eventscalendar@utc.edu.
Next week, the Division of Communications and Marketing is providing three short online FAQ information sessions:
Keeping Our Mocs Healthy

Last week, Walgreens partnered with University Health Services and administered more than 500 flu vaccines and 150 COVID boosters to UTC students and employees and their family members. Our Walgreens partner at the corner of Market Street and Cherokee Boulevard continues to be very supportive of our students, faculty and staff.
While UHS is seeing fewer cases of COVID, we need to be vigilant. COVID is still in the area, along with the flu, so we need to make sure we follow our process for staying healthy by getting flu and COVID vaccines. Click here to learn more.
Send in your Information for the UTC Parent and Family Association Newsletter

It is again time to recruit campus partners to send in information for the UTC Parent and Family Association newsletter, a monthly roundup distributed to more than 5,400 parents/family members. Click here to see the September issue.
The October issue of the newsletter will be emailed to members next Wednesday, Oct. 4. To share information with the families of UTC students—upcoming events, important deadlines, helpful suggestions and departmental news—email hannah-turcotte@utc.edu by Wednesday (Sept. 27).
- Please keep info to one paragraph of 200 (or fewer) words.
- Images or logos to accompany the paragraph may be submitted.
UTC to host National Hazing Prevention Week workshops and discussions

National Hazing Prevention Week is an initiative that focuses on educating university communities about hazing and encouraging students and others to take a stand against hazing.
In support of the initiative, the following workshops and discussions will be taking place on campus this week:
- Today (Sept. 26): Hazing Prevention Workshops with Dr. Jason Meriwether, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. faculty/staff/advisor session, University Center Chattanooga Room; 3-4:30 p.m. student leaders session, Chattanooga Room; 6-7:30 p.m. campus community presentation, Fine Arts Center Roland Hayes Auditorium.
- Wednesday (Sept. 27): Campus Outreach Day, University Center Lobby Tabling, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
- Thursday (Sept. 28): Campus Outreach Day, Lupton Hall Lobby Tabling, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
- Friday (Sept. 29): Campus Photo with Banner, Chamberlain Field Pavilion, 11:45 a.m.
Click here to learn more about National Hazing Prevention Week.
UTC partners with Siskin Children’s Institute
UTC and Siskin Children’s Institute are partnering to continue the childcare legacy of Little Miss Mag Early Learning Center. Their joint effort seeks to enhance early learning and childcare in downtown Chattanooga, preserving 124 childcare slots.
Under the agreement, ownership of the Little Miss Mag facility will be transferred to UTC. The University will work hand-in-hand with Siskin Children’s Institute to ensure children currently receiving care at their Carter Street and Little Miss Mag locations have a childcare placement at Little Miss Mag.
Hispanic Heritage Month

Every year from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, UTC celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month—a time to commemorate the history, heritage and contributions of the ancestors of American citizens who came from Mexico, Spain, the Caribbean, South America and Central America.
This week’s Hispanic Heritage Month event calendar includes:
- Today (Sept. 26): Global Spotlight, Lupton Hall first floor, 3:30 p.m.
- Wednesday (Sept. 27): Bilingual film and music album showing of “Gallery: Escenas del Viaje,” Lupton Hall Room 239, 1:30 p.m. Click here to RSVP.
- Tuesday (Oct. 3): “Un Nuevo Pasado/Someday Soon: A Documentary by Pablo Mazariegos,” Roland Hayes Concert Hall, 6 p.m.
Homecoming Office Decorating Competition

Homecoming Week is coming up quick (Sept. 30-Oct. 7), which means it’s time to sign up for the UTC & Beyond: Banner Painting + Office Decorating Competition. Homecoming Office Decorating is the opportunity to show UTC spirit in your personal space, office or department, so decorate your various offices and departments in accordance with the UTC & Beyond space theme.
All participating offices in this University-wide competition will be judged on Thursday, Oct. 5. The winners will be posted to Instagram (@utchomecoming) on Friday, Oct. 6.
Apply as an individual, office or department through MocSync. The deadline to apply is Friday (Sept. 29) at 11:59 p.m. Email kidron-bullock@utc.edu with questions.
The outstanding people of UTC

Mocs Give Day is Tuesday, Oct. 3, and alumnus Cap Nguyen recently came to campus to pay it forward. “My story is about American generosity and opportunity,” said Nguyen, an honors student and an active Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers member while at UTC. “I believe that UTC took a chance on me and gave me a great opportunity. It provided me the skill set that changed my life outlook drastically.” Click here to watch the video.
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 From left: Coach Blaine Woodruff, Paul Conroy, Samuel Espinosa, Garrett Engle, Braedon Wear, John Houk and Assistant Coach Nick Robinson (photo credit: GoMocs.com)
Last week, the Mocs men’s golf team captured its second win in as many events this fall at the Bearcat Invitational in Cincinnati. Paul Conroy finished third overall and Samuel Espinosa was fourth. Earlier in September, the team won the Labor Day weekend Erin Hills Intercollegiate in Milwaukee.
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Anna Shrum (left), Anna Jones, Brooke Kesley and Alexandra Sass were the winning undergraduate team in last week’s Tennessee Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Student Case Competition, under the watchful eyes of faculty mentors Lisa Burke-Smalley and Steven Layne.
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 Dr. Hong Qin (second from left), Dr. Mengjun Xie (middle)
Last week, Dr. Mengjun Xie and Dr. Hong Qin attended the National Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) designation ceremony at the National Cybersecurity Education Colloquium in Chicago. UTC received its CAE redesignation earlier this year. Organizations attending the ceremony included the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency.
Online Master of Computer Science Program ranked among nation’s best

The UTC Master of Computer Science program (MSCS) has been recognized as one of the best online master’s degrees by Forbes Advisor, a leading information platform dedicated to helping consumers make educated financial choices.
Mark your calendar

This week, the Gary W. Rollins College of Business will hold virtual information sessions about UTC’s Master of Management, Master of Science Data Analytics, Business Analytics Certificate and Master of Accountancy graduate programs. The Rollins College of Business graduate degree programs provide flexible course options and career advancement resources to elevate your education and propel your career.
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Hope Lives at UTC takes place from 6-8 p.m. tonight (Sept. 26) on Chamberlain Field and is all about spreading hope and light.
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and this Center for Wellbeing-hosted event seeks to bring the UTC community together to learn about on- and off-campus resources available and canvass the campus with messages of hope for those who may be struggling. We will have live music by In the Company of Wolves, food, rock painting, resources and more.
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On Wednesday (Sept. 27), the Center for Wellbeing will host the Find Your Care Practice Marathon, a way for everyone to relieve stress, cope with overwhelming emotions and center their emotional wellbeing. Join one or multiple events throughout the day to try new things and establish your new care practice.
The day’s schedule:
- 9 a.m.: Gratitude and Plants on Vine Street
- 10 a.m.: Movement in University Center Room 350
- 11 a.m.: Art in University Center Room 350
- Noon: Picnic (Nature Rx) on Chamberlain Circle (lunch available for first 24 attendees; all are also welcome to bring their own lunches and join us)
- 1 p.m.: Yoga on Chamberlain Circle
- 2 p.m.: Meditation in University Center Room 350
- 3 p.m.: Journal Making University Center Room 350
- 4 p.m.: Healing Through Harmony and SMART Recovery Groups in University Center Room 154 and 152
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Everything has a history, including today’s headlines. Join Department of History Professors Mark Johnson and Susan Eckelmann Berghel from noon-1 p.m. on Wednesday (Sept. 27) in Lupton Hall Room 242 for a history lesson ranging from “A Look Back on 20 Years of Pumpkin Spice Lattes” to “Barbie: The Untold and Troubled Past of a Doll That Nobody Wanted.”
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Environmental Studies and the Department of English are cosponsoring “Getting Bed Bugs: Spatializing Invasion’s Rhetorical Ecology,” featuring Dr. Donnie Johnson Sackey—a University of Texas assistant professor of rhetoric and writing and UTC alum—at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday (Sept. 28) in the UTC Library Roth Reading Room.
Sackey is a leading voice on the dynamics of environmental public policy deliberation, environmental justice and environmental community-based participatory research.
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On Thursday (Sept. 28) in the opening lecture of the Probasco Fall 2023 Lecture Series, Dr. Ramon DeGennaro, professor emeritus of banking and finance in the Haslam College of Business at UT Knoxville, will discuss “Stakeholder Theory and Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance. Why Should I Care?” The lecture, which is free and open to the public, will take place from 5:30-7 p.m. in the University Center Auditorium. Click here to register for the event.
DeGennaro and Dr. Claudia Williamson Kramer, Probasco Distinguished Chair of Free Enterprise and Professor of Economics, recently appeared on WUTC’s Scenic Roots to talk about the lecture.
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Read To Achieve, UTC’s campus-wide reading program, needs your help selecting the title for the 2024-2025 school year—and the deadline is Friday (Sept. 29).
We are seeking a book that offers:
- Accurate and respectful portrayals of diverse cultures and identities
- Relevance to first-year students, current society, and/or our local community
- Possibilities for additional programming, especially inclusion in first-year courses or other areas of the curriculum
- Reasonable cost (less than $20)
- Manageable length (around 200-300 pages)
If you know of a book that would make an excellent choice, click here to submit your idea.
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Don’t miss your opportunity as a member of the UTC family to experience professional soccer live and in-person at upcoming Chattanooga Football Club home games. Thanks to a UTC + CFC partnership, a limited supply of up to 50 tickets per game are available to UTC students, faculty and staff on a first-come, first-served basis through CFC’s current season. Be there to watch the soccer match and celebrate as UTC faculty, staff and students are recognized throughout the game. Your next opportunity for free tickets is Sunday (Oct. 1).
Learn more and get your tickets here: https://linktr.ee/cfctix.
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On Tuesday, Oct. 3, the Division of Diversity and Engagement and the College of Arts and Sciences will present “Un Nuevo Pasado/Someday Soon: A Documentary by Pablo Mazariegos.” The free event, which takes place from 6-7:30 p.m. in the UTC Fine Arts Center’s Roland Hayes Concert Hall, will consist of the film’s screening and a session with its creator.
In “Un Nuevo Pasado,” Mazariegos examines the immigration path of Guatemalan immigrants now residing in Chattanooga while coming to terms with his own migration experience.
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UTC Asian Studies, Department of History and Center for Global Education will present Dr. Yajun Mo, an associate professor of history at Boston College, for a free public lecture at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 4, in the University Center Raccoon Mountain Room. The discussion is titled “Head to the Northwest: Modern China’s Movement Westward.”
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UTC’s bi-annual Bloodanooga Blood Drive, in collaboration with Blood Assurance, is taking place Oct. 10-11 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. in the University Center Tennessee Room. A single blood donation will save three lives in our community.
Blood donors will receive free food and a special event T-shirt. As an extra incentive, all donors will be entered into a drawing to win a turntable sound system and vinyl starter pack. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to another successful event.
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Dr. Cynthia Orozco, an award-winning and best-selling author, historian, consultant and public speaker, is coming to UTC as part of Hispanic Heritage Month. Orozco, professor emeritus in History and Humanities at Eastern New Mexico University-Ruidoso, will give a public lecture from 5-7 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 10, in the University Center Auditorium. The free guest lecture is open to the public.
A book signing will follow the lecture. Attendees are asked to register for the event for a chance to win a free copy of one of her books.
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The next UTC Research Institute brown bag lunch will take place from 12:30-2 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 12, in the UTC Library Room 435. Each brown bag lunch is designed to engage faculty and staff across campus in identifying opportunities for collaboration.
Notice of Final Defense: Upcoming Research Presentations

The UTC Graduate School announced that the following students will be presenting their final works of research as advanced degree candidates. Everyone is invited to attend.
- Thursday, Oct. 5: Evan Gildernew will present doctoral research titled, “Computational Optimization of Phase Change Materials on Adsorbed Carbon Dioxide Capture Systems,” MDRB Conference Room, 10 a.m. | Calendar Info
- Friday, Oct. 6: Mason West III will present doctoral research titled, “A Study of the Impact of the Nation Builders Leadership Program on the Self-Perception of African American Male Participants in the Fourth and Fifth Grades at Dunbar Elementary,” Zoom, 10 a.m. | Calendar Info
- Friday, Oct. 6: Adlai Hurt will present doctoral research titled, “The Human Capital Campaign: The Relationships of Burnout and Investment in Employee Development on Intent to Leave,” Zoom, 1 p.m. | Calendar Info
Scrappy’s Cupboard Food Fight

Show your campus pride during Homecoming and help restock Scrappy’s Cupboard Food Pantry by joining our Homecoming Week food fight Oct. 2-7, with UTC student organizations and offices going head-to-head in a competition to collect donations for Scrappy’s Cupboard.
Groups must sign up to participate by Thursday (Sept. 28) at utc.edu/scrappyscupboard.
At the end of Homecoming, the organization and campus department that donates the most will receive recognition on our Scrappy’s Cupboard Food Fight Plaque and a small gift of appreciation from Scrappy’s Cupboard.
No group but want to give back? Individuals may donate to Scrappy’s Cupboard through the UC Foundation or Amazon Wishlist. Contact scrappyscupboard@utc.edu with questions.
Campus Updates

Important changes are on the horizon for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. The FAFSA application will now become accessible Jan. 1, 2024, a departure from the customary opening date of Oct. 1.
The changes come after the passage of the FAFSA Simplification Act, which “represents a significant overhaul of the processes and systems used to award federal student aid starting with the 2024-25 award year,” according to the U.S. Education Department’s FAFSA website.
To apply for federal student aid, such as federal grants, work-study funds and loans, students need to complete the FAFSA form.
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 Photo credit: Tennessee Aquarium
UTC students, staff and faculty can enjoy a 50% discount on Tennessee Aquarium admission during the bi-annual College Days celebration. The discount is available Sunday-Friday through Sept. 29.
The discount applies not only to the 120,000 square feet of animal-filled galleries in the Aquarium’s River Journey and Ocean Journey buildings but also to tickets for 45-minute film screenings at the Tennessee Aquarium IMAX 3D Theater. The savings apply to tickets for every person in the eligible individual’s party.
With this special discount, admission to the Aquarium will be $20 for adults (regularly $39.95) and $15 for ages 5-17 (regularly $29.95). Discounted IMAX 3D tickets will be $5 for all ages. Click here to learn more about College Days—and don’t forget to bring your UTC ID.
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Students, the UTC Counseling Center will be hosting a weekly Stress and Anxiety support group, taking place from 3-4 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Sequoyah Room (second floor of the University Center).
Each session is dedicated to helping students de-stress and refocus on what’s important in their lives and will include different stress-management techniques. Experience a safe space where you will find support, solidarity and solutions. For more information, contact the Counseling Center at 423-425-4438.
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Want to study abroad? Students, come to a Study Abroad 102 session to find out how to have a global adventure while earning UTC credit. Session dates, times, locations and RSVPs can be found here. These sessions will allow students to meet with a staff member to get their general questions answered and work on choosing the right program that matches their academic, personal and professional goals.
Haven’t signed up for the Study Abroad 101 Canvas course yet? Do that here before attending a session.
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Do you feel like you need direction returning from an injury or getting back into a workout routine? Do you have a running injury? Is your back or neck sore from “study posture?” Make an appointment for physical therapy.
The Pro Bono Physical Therapy clinic, a part of University Health Services, offers free physical therapy to UTC students, faculty and staff. Clinic hours are 8 a.m.-noon on Tuesdays and 1-5 p.m. on Thursdays. Call University Health Services at 423-425-2266 to schedule an appointment, or email ptclinic@utc.edu for more information.
Mocs Recovery Meetings Offered this fall

All Recovery: Thursdays at 5 p.m. in University Center Room 154 (open to all; come share and be in community with others)
- All Recovery is a weekly group of the Mocs Recovery Program. It is open to those in all stages, pathways and types of recovery including substance use, mental health, disordered eating/eating disorders, process addictions (gambling, social media, shopping, exercise, etc.) and those with loved ones navigating these concerns. This is a supportive space for all and a great starting place to get involved in other groups, social events and initiatives of Mocs Recovery.
SMART Recovery: Wednesdays at 4 p.m. in University Center Room 152
- SMART Recovery is open to those who are sober, sober-curious or interested in reducing harm related to their substance use. All recovery pathways are honored here.
Healing Through Harmony—Mental Health Recovery: Wednesdays at 4 p.m. in University Center Room 154
- Join us as we listen to songs and discuss how the lyrics mirror the struggles we often encounter today—and what we can do to recover from and overcome them. FYI: You don’t need to be able to play an instrument/sing to come. All that’s really required is that you like listening to music. We will sometimes have various other art/media-based activities, but there’s no skill required. This is just a place to talk, learn and meet others you can relate to.
LGBTQ+ All Recovery: Mondays at 5:30 p.m. in Prism Center (Lupton Hall Room 116)
- Open to all but focused on LGBTQ+ students and allies. All types of recovery and pathways welcome.
Looking ahead
 Junior Elaine Redman was recently named Southern Conference Setter of the Week for the second time during her Mocs career (photo credit: Ray Soldano/GoMocs.com).
This week’s Mocs home athletics calendar:
- Wednesday (Sept. 27): Softball vs. Cleveland State Community College (DH), Frost Stadium, 5 p.m.
- Friday (Sept. 29): Women’s Tennis: UTC Fall Invite, UTC Tennis Center, all day
- Saturday (Sept. 30): Women’s Tennis: UTC Fall Invite, UTC Tennis Center, all day
- Sunday (Oct. 1): Women’s Tennis: UTC Fall Invite, UTC Tennis Center, all day
- Sunday (Oct. 1): Soccer vs. Furman, Finley Stadium, 11 a.m.
Looking back
 Shelby Glover, shown in front of City Hall, is grants coordinator for the City of Chattanooga and a Master of Public Administration student at UTC.
UTC MPA student Shelby Glover, the grants coordinator for the City of Chattanooga, was recently awarded a 2023 Tennessee City Management Association (TCMA) Master of Public Administration Scholarship, designed to encourage the next generation of professionals in local government.
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A map developed by the UTC Interdisciplinary Geospatial Technology Lab was key in the city’s landing of a $6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to grow and maintain urban forests, greenspaces and waterways in Chattanooga’s disadvantaged communities.
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Here are some other recent UTC stories featured in the Newsroom:
Tales from the UTC PodLab
 Catherine Montalbo, left, and Linda Frost
“Tennessee Valley Across the Table” is a student-led podcast that brings locals, often strangers with different views, together to learn who we are as people. It is inspired by StoryCorps’ One Small Step program.
In 2022, community members came to the UTC PodLab and opened their lives with stories about their families, their politics and their hopes for the future. This year, UTC Honors students, under the direction of Will Davis, studied the recordings and chose the material that most resonated with them. This episode by UTC history and international studies student Jeneva Midgett features a conversation between Linda Frost and Catherine Montalbo.
You can subscribe to “Tennessee Valley Across the Table” on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
WUTC Spotlight: Moon River
 Hozier performing at Moon River (photo credit: Nessa Parrish)
The annual Moon River Music Festival is an exciting gathering of music-loving people along the shore of the Tennessee River, underneath the Walnut Street Bridge, all in the name of music.
WUTC-FM’s Nessa Parrish, host of The Rock Show, attended this year’s festival and brought her camera—and photo skills—with her.
Be Well Tip: Mental and Physical Wellness

Mental and physical wellness are deeply intertwined and can play a crucial role to your success in college. When you prioritize physical health through regular movement, nutrition and sufficient sleep, you provide your mind with the essential tools to combat stress and anxiety and boost overall wellbeing.
Conversely, a healthy mental state enhances your motivation, energy and discipline to maintain a balanced lifestyle. Schedule time each week to move your body and eat full meals, maintain a consistent sleep schedule and occasionally give your mind a break to feel your best mentally and physically.
Learn more about finding the balance that’s right for you at the Be Well Health and Wellness Fair, taking place from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 3, in the University Center Tennessee Room.