During the spring 2022 semester Prof. John Swanson is serving as an External Senior Fellow at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies.
Dr. Mark Johnson’s Talk on “The Bacon Paradox” on 3/12
A culinary historian presents an exploration of bacon – its history, social status, concerns about health, and much more.
Prof. Eddie Brudney’s Co-Authored Book
Prof. Eddie Brudney, along with co-authors James S. Damico and Loren D. Lybarger, recently published Commemorative Literacies and Labors of Justice: Resistance, Reconciliation, and Recovery in Buenos Aires and Beyond (Routledge, 2021).
Dr. Julia Cummiskey Delivers Conference Keynote
Dr. Julia Cummiskey delivered one of the keynote addresses at the Biennial Conference of the Australia and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine.
Dr. Mike Thompson’s New Article on Disease and Racial Politics in Times of COVID-19
UC Foundation Association Professor and Department Head Michael Thompson’s recent article on “The Wages of Acclimation: Presumed Black Immunity to Yellow Fever and the Racial Politics of Burial Labour in 1855 Portsmouth and Norfolk, Virginia,” was published in a special issue of the interdisciplinary journal Human Remains and Violence on “Burial and the Politics of Dead Bodies in Times of COVID-19.”