On October 5, the UTC History Club and Euphrates Chapter held a roundtable with UTC’s history faculty on “The U.S. and the World: Foreign Policy and the 2016 Presidential Election.” The History Department’s regional experts broke down the foreign policy positions of the presidential candidates for an audience of UTC students, professors, and community members.
Why the U.S. President Needs a Council of Historians
In a new article in The Atlantic, Graham Allison and Niall Ferguson, both scholars at Harvard University, urge the president to establish a “Council of Historians,” arguing that “the U.S. could avoid future disaster if policy makers started looking more to the past.”
The Flexibility of a History Degree
A new post from the AHA discusses the career flexibility and versatility history majors get with their degrees. History, as the author notes, “is an all-encompassing degree.”
More reasons to study history: “Why America’s Business Majors Are in Desperate Need of a Liberal-Arts Education”
More reasons to study history, this time from The Atlantic. Bottom line: take more history classes!
History isn’t a ‘useless’ major. It teaches critical thinking, something America needs plenty more of
From the Los Angeles Times: “History isn’t a ‘useless’ major”!