Dr. John Swanson’s new book, Tangible Belonging: Negotiating Germanness in Twentieth-Century Hungary, has been published by University of Pittsburgh Press.
Student Films about the Holocaust
UTC students present the films they made about the Holocaust while in Germany and Poland on a study tour led by Dr. John Swanson. Friday, April 21, 5:00 PM.
The U.S. and the World: Foreign Policy and the 2016 Presidential Election
On October 5, the UTC History Club and Euphrates Chapter held a roundtable with UTC’s history faculty on “The U.S. and the World: Foreign Policy and the 2016 Presidential Election.” The History Department’s regional experts broke down the foreign policy positions of the presidential candidates for an audience of UTC students, professors, and community members.
Summer Highlights
The UTC History Faculty had a busy summer. Here are some of the highlights.
Check out the documentary films from the Department’s spring break study tour in Vienna and Budapest
Over spring break 2016, Department Head John Swanson led a study tour in Vienna and Budapest for the UTC students in his class on “Two Sides of the Iron Curtain: Making Documentary Film.” The students worked in pairs and made short documentary films exploring a series of historical and social issues in Austria and Hungary.