SWIM – Southeastern Workers in Memory

SWIM – Southeastern Workers in Memory




Southeastern Workers in Memory (more commonly known as SWIM) has been meeting at SEPA since 1970. SWIM holds a symposium in which two speakers, one from the southern region and a second speaker from outside the region give 50 minute talks. SWIM has featured some of the most distinguished researchers in memory over the years. Please see the list below for our past speakers. 

Jill Shelton of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is President for 2017.

She can be reached at:  Jill-Shelton@utc.edu

Link to historical document from SWIM’s past.

Swim 2016

        SWIM 2016

Speakers at the Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association

Year President Invited Speakers
2019 Tyler Harrison Peter Delany

Hunter Ball

2018 Michael Scullin Tyler Harrison

Cindy May

2017 Jill Talley Shelton Michael Scullin

Michael Beran

2016 Rachel Diana Jill Talley Shelton

Chad S. Dodson

2015 Sean Polyn Rachel Diana

Mark Wheeler

2014 Audrey Duarte Sean Polyn

Rene Marois

2013 Jessica Logan Audrey Duarte

Randy Engle

2012 Paul Merritt Jessica Logan

Jason Hicks

2011 Keith Lyle Paul Merritt

Michael Toglia

2010 Elizabeth Marsh Keith Lyle

Timothy McNamara

2009 Lili Sahakyan Elizabeth Marsh

Steven M. Smith

2008 Christopher Hertzog Lili Sahakyan

Aaron Benjamin

2007 Dayna Touron Christopher Hertzog

Paul Verhaeghen

2006 Bennett Schwartz Kristi Multhaup

Janet Metcalfe

2005 Ira Fischler Bennett Schwartz

Michael Anderson

2004 Ira Fischler John N. Bohannon III

Lynn Reder

2003 Claudia J. Stanny John C. Brigham

A. Daniel Yarmey

2002 Jennifer P. Peluso Margaret Bradley
2001 John Dunlosky Cathy L. McEvoy

Mark A. McDaniel

2000 John N. Bohannon III Roger Ratcliff

Robert Belli

1999 M. Diane Clark Jeff Toth

James L. Pate

Marc Marschark

1998 Lynne Baker-Ward John Dunlosky
1997 T. Darin Matthews David C. Rubin

Brian H. Ross

1996 Dale Dagenbach Randall W. Engle

W. Trammel Neill

1995 Katie E. Cherry Denise Park

Robert Bjork

1994 Buddy Grah Robyn Fivush

Peter Graf

1993 Alvin Y. Wang Harriet Salatas Waters

Ulric Neisser

1992 Paula J. Schwanenflugel Robert Lorch

Mark McDaniel

1991 Charles Brewer Gilles O. Einstein

David B. Mitchell

1990 Denise Park Larry Barsalou

Daniel Schacter

1989 Lynn Hasher David Rubin

William Hirst

1988 Marc Marschark Gregory Lockhead

Alan Baddeley

1987 Charles Richman Lynn Hasher

Henry Ellis

1986 Gilles O. Einstein Barry Stein

Henry Roediger III

1985 Reed Hunt Bruce Britton

Marcia Johnson

1984 Robert Matthews James Jenkins

Michael Watkins

1983 Don Hall Ruth Day
1982 Ira Fischler Reed Hunt

Delos Wickens

1981 Keith Clayton Anderson Smith

Tom Landauer

1980 Doug Nelson Ira Fischler

F. I. M. Craik

1979 Bert Sippola John Bransford

Don Kausler

1978 Mary Fulcher Geis Peter Ornstein

Larry Jacoby

1977 Dewey Rundus Doug Nelson

Bennet Murdock

1976 Anderson Smith James Deese

Allan Paivio

1975 Chizuko Izawa John Carroll

William Estes

1974 Dave Gorfein David Meyer

Dewey Rundus

1973 Howard Pollio Dave Gorfein

Ernst Rothkopf

1972 Dick Kasschau Harry Bahrick

Darryl Bruce

1971 Dick Kasschau Slater Newman

Starling Reid

1970 Slater Newman Howard Pollio

Gene Winograd