The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $149,263 in external grant and contract awards:
Drs. Jejal Reddy Bathi (Civil and Chemical Engineering), and Kidambi Sreenivas (Mechanical Engineering) have received $19,998 from the U.S. Geological Survey via the Tennessee Water Research Center for the project entitled, “FY 2018 Water Resources Research Institute Program.”
Mr. Bryan Bulmer (Management and Student Success) has requested and received $500 from CashCourse for the project entitled, “Support for Student Financial Education Events.”
Mr. John Freeze (Center for Professional Education) has received $57,960 from the Tennessee Office of Criminal Justice Programs for the project entitled, “Crucial Conversations in a Law Enforcement Setting with a Domestic Violence Focus.”
Dr. Hemant Jain (Management) has received $16,305 from the Public Education Foundation for the project entitled, “Support of Graduate Student Research on Predictors of College Success.”
Drs. David Levine (Physical Therapy), Henry Spratt, and David Giles (Biology) have requested and received $30,000 from the Osborne Foundation in collaboration with the UC Foundation for the project entitled, “Equipment to Support UTC’s Clinical Infectious Disease Control Research Group to Establish a Satellite Lab on the Campus of Erlanger Hospital.”
Dr. Joey Shaw (Biology) has requested and received $8,500 from the Association of Southeastern Biologists for the project entitled, “Graduate Assistantship to Support the Chair of the Wildflower Pilgrimage Organizing Committee.”
Dr. Anthony Skjellum (Sim Center) has received $16,000 from the National Science Foundation as a supplement for the project entitled, “SHF: Small: Collaborative Research: Coupling Computation and Communication in FPGA-Enhanced Clouds and Clusters.”
Good Luck!
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $7,019,639 in external funding, if awarded:
Dr. Hunter Huckabay, Michelle Oliver, Elizabeth Eaves, Keith Mayes, Shamira Freeman (Center for Community Career Education), and Dr. Sarah Sandefur (School of Education) have requested $5,160,241 from the U.S. Department of Education for the project entitled, “UTC GEAR UP Project.”
Ms. Catherine Kendall (Interior Design) has requested $3,500 from the Tennessee Board of Architectural and Engineering Examiners for the project entitled, “2018 TBAEE NCIDQ Application & Exam Fees and Drawing Enhancement Grant.”
Drs. Lingju Kong, John Graef, and Sumith Gunasekera (Mathematics) have requested $257,720 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “REU Site: Differential/Difference Equation Models and Statistics.”
Drs. Andrew Ledoan, Jin Wang, Roger Nichols (Mathematics), and Dr. Sherry Marlow Ormsby (Office of Planning, Evaluation & Institutional Research) have requested $282,659 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “REU Site: Research Training for Undergraduates in Mathematical Analysis with Applications in Allied Fields.”
Dr. Charles Margraves (Mechanical Engineering) has requested $29,975 from the Tennessee Board of Architectural and Engineering Examiners for the project entitled, “Mechanical Engineering TBAEE Grant.”
Drs. Claire McCullough, Joseph Dumas (Computer Science and Engineering), and Dr. Amye Warren (Psychology) have requested $392,503 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math for Underrepresented Students (STEAM for US).”
Mr. Charles Mix (IGT Lab) has requested $21,600 from the Lyndhurst Foundation for the project entitled, “Interdisciplinary Geospatial Technology Lab Support for Thrive Regional Partnership.”
Dr. Daniel Pack (Electrical Engineering) has requested $437,576 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Small Cooperative Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Combat Malaria.”
Dr. Karissa Peyer (Health and Human Performance) has requested $73,894 from the William and Ella Owens Medical Research Foundation, in collaboration with the University of Tennessee – Health Science Center, for the project entitled, “Chattanooga Child Health and wellness Opportunities through Inter-Sectoral Collaboration and Environmental change (CHOICE).”
Drs. Hong Qin (Sim Center), Soubantika Palchoudhury, Bradley Harris (Civil and Chemical Engineering), Yu Liang, Dalei Wu, Mengjun Xie (Computer Science and Engineering), Hope Klug, Francesca Leasi, Jennifer Boyd, Joey Shaw, Azad Hossain, David Giles, Deanna Beasley (Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science), and Jisook Kim (Chemistry and Physics) have requested $359,971 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “REU Site: ICompBio – Engaging Undergraduates in Interdisciplinary Computing for Biological Research.”
Dr. Anthony Skjellum (Sim Center) has submitted a preliminary proposal with the University of New Mexico to the National Nuclear Security Administration for the project entitled, “PSAAP-III-RFI: Center for Understandable, Performant Exascale Communication Systems (CUP-ECS).”
Dr. Anthony Skjellum (Sim Center) has submitted a preliminary proposal to the National Nuclear Security Administration for the project entitled, “PSAAP-III-RFI Response (FIC): Message-Passing Parallel Programming Research for Exascale: Performance, Portability, Productivity, Predictability.”