The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $2,685,818 in external grant and contract awards:
Drs. Raga Ahmed, Vahid Rasouli Disfani (Electrical Engineering), Mbakisya Onyango, Weidong Wu (Civil and Chemical Engineering), Jennifer Ellis (School of Education), Wolday Abrha (Engineering Management & Technology), and Louie Elliot (Mechanical Engineering) have received $595,935 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “RET Site: Engineering and Data Analytics in Smart Cities.”
Dr. Pamela Ashmore and Lindsey Cochran (Social, Cultural, and Justice Studies) have received $13,028 from the Friends of Fort Frederica for the project entitled, “Archaeological Research at Fort Frederica National Monument, Summer 2019.”
Dr. Belinda Lee (Center for Community Career Education) has received $347,656 from the U.S. Department of Education for the project entitled, “UTC Upward Bound Program.”
Linda Hinkle (Student Affairs) has received $2,499 from the Daughters of the American Revolution via the UC Foundation for the project entitled, “UTC Veterans Student Services Lounge Project.”
Drs. Thomas Loveless and Donald Reising (Electrical Engineering) have received $39,862 from the Office of Naval Research for the project entitled, “Fault-Tolerant Design through Ionizing Radiation Effects Spectroscopy and Intelligent Control.”
Laurie Melnik and Angela Dittmar (Southeast Center for Education) have received $4,475 from the Shelby County Schools for the project entitled, “Arts Integration Workshops at Sherwood Elementary School, Memphis TN.”
Dr. Marcia Noe (English) has received $3,000 from the Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature for the project entitled, “Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature Publications Editor.”
Drs. Mbakisya Onyango, Joseph Owino, Weidong Wu (Civil and Chemical Engineering), Aldo McLean, and Endong Wang (Engineering Management & Technology) have received $99,997 from the Tennessee Department of Transportation for the project entitled, “Winter Maintenance for Open-Graded Friction Course Pavements in Tennessee.”
Dr. Hong Qin (SimCenter) has received $137,136 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “A Probabilistic Gene Network Model of Cellular Aging and Its Application on the Conserved Lifespan Extension Mechanisms of Dietary Restriction.”
Dr. Joanne Romagni (Vice Chancellor for Research) has requested and received $781,060 from the Tennessee Higher Education Commission for the project entitled, “Center for Excellence in Applied Computational Science & Engineering.”
Drs. Anthony Skjellum (SimCenter), Farah Kandah (Computer Science and Engineering), and Donald Reising (Electrical Engineering) have requested and received $250,000 from the U.S. Department of Energy via Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the project entitled, “RevV – Data Analytics to Fast-Forward Product Development and Job Creation in Tennessee.”
Dr. Christine B. Smith (School of Nursing) has requested and received $192,816 from the Erlanger Health System for the project entitled, “RN to BSN Gateway Program.”
Dr. Endong Wang (Engineering Management & Technology) has requested and received $6,425 from the Associated General Contractors Education & Research Foundation for the project entitled, “Robert L. Bowen Industry Residency at T.U. Parks Construction Company.”
Drs. Endong Wang (Engineering Management & Technology), Mbakisya Onyango, Weidong Wu (Civil and Chemical Engineering), and Dalei Wu (Computer Science and Engineering) have received $149,857 from the Tennessee Department of Transportation for the project entitled, “Rating and Inventory of TDOT Retaining Walls.”
Dr. Li Yang, Professor David Schwab, and Dr. Mengjun Xie (Computer Science and Engineering) have received $62,072 from the U.S. Department of Defense and Securities and Exchange Commission via the National Security Agency Central Security Service for the project entitled, “UTC GenCyber Teacher Camp.”
Good Luck!
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $1,252,101 in external funding, if awarded:
Dr. Lucien Ellington and Jeffrey Melnik (School of Education) have requested $17,996 from the Freeman Foundation for the project entitled, “Freeman Foundation Teacher Professional Development Programs 2019-2020.”
John Freeze and Jeanette Duggan (Center for Professional Education) have requested $458,772 from the Tennessee Office of Criminal Justice Programs for the project entitled, “Leadership Training for Domestic Violence Shelter Staff.”
Drs. Zibin Guo (Social, Cultural, and Justice Studies) and Elizabeth Hathaway (Health and Human Performance) have requested $187,452 from the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs for the project entitled, “Wheelchair/Adaptive Tai Chi Chuan as an Adaptive Sport for Veterans with Ambulatory Disability – Program Expansion.”
Drs. Yu Liang, Lingju Kong (Mathematics), and Dalei Wu (Computer Science and Engineering) have requested $495,380 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “HDR I-DIRSE-FW: Collaborative Research: DSCE360 – A Data-driven Sustainable Community Ecosystem.”
Drs. Anthony Skjellum, Abdollah Arabshahi, Bailey Kirby (SimCenter), and Dr. Jennifer Ellis (School of Education) have requested $57,635 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Software Engineering Workforce Development in High-Performance Computing for Digital Twins.”
Dr. Anthony Skjellum (SimCenter) has requested $34,866 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “INTERN Supplement-Branch Technology.”