The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $1,683,823 in external grant and contract awards:
Dr. Lucien Ellington and Jeffrey Melnik (School of Education) have received $17,996 from the Freeman Foundation for the project entitled, “Freeman Foundation Teacher Professional Development Programs 2019-2020.”
Dr. Trevor Elliott (Mechanical Engineering) has received $45,000 from the Denso North America Foundation for the project entitled, “Advanced Fabrication Technologies and Nondestructive Testing (NDT) for Baja SAE Capstone Project.”
Drs. Ralph Hood and Christopher Silver (Psychology & LEAD) have received $86,380 from the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine for the project entitled, “Protection of the Force and Family (POTFF) Spiritual Fitness Metrics.”
Drs. Farah Kandah (Computer Science and Engineering), Hope Klug (Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science), Mina Sartipi (CUIP), and Anthony Skjellum (SimCenter) have received $499,663 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “CC* Networking Infrastructure: Advancing High-speed Networking at UTC for Research and Education.”
Bryan Lane (WUTC) has received $114,155 from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for the project entitled, “2019-20 CPB Radio Community Service Grant WUTC.”
Dr. Daniel Pack (Electrical Engineering) has received $116,649 from the Shared Spectrum Company for the project entitled, “SB162-011 Shared Spectrum Subcontract.”
Dr. Mina Sartipi (CUIP) has received $60,000 from the Tennessee Department of Transportation for the project entitled, “Research on Connected and Automated Vehicles Investment and Smart Infrastructure in Tennessee.”
Dr. Anthony Skjellum (SimCenter) has received $174,942 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “SHF: Medium: Collaborative Research: Next-Generation Message Passing for Parallel Programming: Resiliency, Time-to-Solution, Performance-Portability, Scalability, and QoS.”
Drs. Anthony Skjellum, Ethan Hereth (SimCenter), Craig Tanis, Farah Kandah (Computer Science and Engineering), Eleni Panagiotou (Mathematics), and Kidambi Sreenivas (Mechanical Engineering) have received $392,235 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “CC* Compute: A Cost-Effective, 2,048 Core InfiniBand Cluster at UTC for Campus Research and Education.”
Takeo Suzuki (Center for Global Education) and Dr. Robert Dooley (Gary W. Rollins College of Business) have received $176,803 from the FHI 360 for the project entitled, “Studies of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) program.”
The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted individual awards:
Dr. Michelle Deardorff (Political Science & Public Service) has received an award from the U.S. Fulbright Scholars Program for the project entitled, “Fulbright Senior Specialist, U.S. Embassy in Albania. ’Developing research teaching capacity in political sciences.’ Aleksandër Moisiu University of Durrës, Faculty of Political Science and Law.”
Good Luck!
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $1,633,256 in external funding, if awarded:
Drs. Michael Danquah and Bradley Harris (Civil and Chemical Engineering) have requested $100,000 from the Prevent Cancer Foundation for the project entitled, “Atomistic probing of CD79 apta-marking for enhanced pre-B-ALL diagnosis.”
Drs. Hong Qin, Joseph Dumas (Computer Science and Engineering), and Joey Shaw (Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science) have requested $84,725 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “CUE: Collaborative Research: Bridging the diversity and curriculum gaps in computing and data science through pedagogical innovation and cross-disciplinary education.”
Drs. Donald Reising and Thomas Loveless (Electrical Engineering) have submitted a preliminary proposal to the Army Research Office for the project entitled, “Unlocking the ‘Genetics’ of Specific Emitter Identification (SEI).”
Dr. Mina Sartipi (CUIP) has requested $49,713 from the Facebook Research for the project entitled, “A Dynamic Positive Feedback System for Building Arabic Fake News Dataset.”
Drs. Anthony Skjellum (SimCenter), Craig Tanis (Computer Science and Engineering), and Abdollah Arabshahi (Mechanical Engineering) have requested $1,328,196 from the University of New Mexico for the project entitled, “Center for Understandable, Performant Exascale Communication Systems.”
Karen Vann (Center for Community Career Education) has requested $40,000 from the U.S. Department of Education for the project entitled, “Talent Search Supplemental Funding Proposal.”
Drs. Dalei Wu and Yu Liang (Computer Science and Engineering) have requested $30,622 from the University of Vermont for the project entitled, “Planning Grant: Engineering Research Center for Urban Subsurface Digital Informatics – Open and Secure Framework (ERC-USDI-OSF).”