The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $2,823,973 in external grant and contract awards:
Keith Bridges (Center for Community Career Education) has received $304,542 from the U.S. Department of Education for the project entitled, “Southern Appalachian Educational Opportunity Center.”
Bryan Bulmer (Enrollment Services & Student Success) has requested and received $250 from the National Endowment for Financial Education for the project entitled, “Game of Life – Fall 2019.”
Dr. Jennifer Ellis, Kendra Duncan (School of Education) and Dr. DeAnna Beasley (Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science) have received $293,366 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Track 1: UTChattanooga STEM Education Noyce Scholarship Program.”
Dr. Hunter Huckabay, Elizabeth Eaves, Michelle Oliver, Sarah Sandefur, Shamira Freeman, and Keith Mayes (Center for Community Career Education) have received $751,637 from the U.S. Department of Education for the project entitled, “UTC GEAR UP Project.”
Dr. Hemant Jain (Management) has received $16,350 from the Public Education Foundation for the project entitled, “Predicting Student Success in College Based on High School and College records.”
Tara Mathis (Office of the Dean of Students), Squoia Holmes, and Linda Hinkle (Veteran Student Services) have received $95,396 from the Tennessee Higher Education Commission for the project entitled, “From Boots to Suits: The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Veteran Transition Support Conference.”
Dr. Deborah McAllister (School of Education) has received $31,829 from Vanderbilt University for the project entitled, “NASA Mathematics Resources and Super Source Activities for Elementary Grades Preservice Teachers.”
Drs. Mbakisya Onyango, Joseph Owino, and Weidong Wu (Civil and Chemical Engineering) have received $198,680 from the Tennessee Department of Transportation for the project entitled, “MEPDG Climate Data Input for The State of Tennessee.”
Drs. Joseph Owino, Ignatius Fomunung, Mbakisya Onyango, and Weidong Wu (Civil and Chemical Engineering) have received $199,274 from the Tennessee Department of Transportation for the project entitled, “Performance Evaluation of Full Depth Reclaimed (FDR) Pavements in Tennessee.”
Dr. Mina Sartipi (CUIP) has received $30,000 from the Department of Energy via the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the project entitled, “Real-Time Data-Driven Simulator.”
Dr. Anthony Skjellum (SIMCenter) has received $34,866 from the National Science Foundation via the Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering for the project entitled, “CICI: Data Provenance: Collaborative Research: Provenance AssuranceUsing Currency Primitives.”
Dr. Kidambi Sreenivas (Mechanical Engineering) has received $59,799 from a private funder for the project entitled, “Heterogeneous HPC for High-order Stabilized Finite-elements on Moving and Deforming Domains.”
Karen Vann (Center for Community Career Education) has received $267,995 from the U.S. Department of Education for the project entitled, “Talent Search.”
Drs. Jin Wang (Mathematics), David Giles (Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science), and Bradley Harris (Civil and Chemical Engineering) have received $340,000 from National Institutes of Health for the project entitled, “Cholera modeling and simulation.”
Drs. Mengjun Xie, Li Yang, and Dalei Wu (Computer Science and Engineering) have received $199,989 from the Tennessee Department of Transportation for the project entitled, “Activity-based Household Travel Survey Through Smartphone Apps in Tennessee.”
Good Luck!
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $1,603,272 in external funding, if awarded:
Drs. DeAnna Beasley (Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science) and Shannon McCarragher (Social, Cultural, and Justice Studies) have requested $412,201 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “REU Site: Healthy Cities – An Interdisciplinary Approach.”
Drs. Michael Danquah and Bradley Harris (Civil and Chemical Engineering) have requested $465,873 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “REU Site: Bio Engineering for SustainabiliTy (BEST).”
Dr. Azad Hossain (Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science) has requested $82,319 from the University of Southern Mississippi for the project entitled, “Study on the Environmental Factors Near and Within an Oyster Reef in Mississippi Sound.”
Dr. Azad Hossain (Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science) has requested $82,319 from the University of Southern Mississippi for the project entitled, “Integration of remote sensing technology and numerical model for water quality study in Mississippi Sound.”
Dr. Deborah McAllister (School of Education) has requested $31,192 from Vanderbilt University for the project entitled, “Elementary and Middle Grades STEM.”
Charles Mix and Nyssa Hunt (IGTLab) have requested $1,088 from McCoy Farm and Gardens for the project entitled, “McCoy Farm and Gardens Arboretum Map.”
Dr. Reetesh Ranjan (Mechanical Engineering) has requested $398,280 from the Department of Defense via the Office of Naval Research for the project entitled, “A Hybrid Modeling Strategy for LES of Stratified Turbulent Flows with Differential Diffusion Effects.”
Drs. Mina Sartipi (CUIP), Kimdambi Sreenivas (Mechanical Engineering), and Chandra Ward (Social, Cultural, and Justice Studies) have requested $70,000 from the Lyndhurst Foundation for the project entitled, “Exploring Transit Innovation in Chattanooga: Phase 1 – Data Parameters.”
Dr. Anthony Skjellum (SIMCenter) has requested $60,000 from the Department of Energy via the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for the project entitled, “Fault Tolerant MPI Research.”