The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $1,387,719 in external grant and contract awards in March and April 2022:
Laurie Allen (Arts-Based Collaborative) and Stephen Ray (Performing Arts) have requested and received $7,500 from the Tivoli Theatre Foundation for the project titled, “Broadway Camp Plan for the Tivoli Foundation.”
Dr. Jejal Reddy Bathi (Civil & Chemical Engineering) has received $1,986 from the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors Foundation for the project titled, “Introducing High School Students to Smart Planning for Stormwater Management.”
Dr. Deanna Beasley (Biology, Geology & Environmental Science) and Dr. Christopher Acuff (Political Science & Public Service) have received $264,531 from the National Science Foundation for the project titled, “Collaborative Research: REU Site: The Socio-Ecological Role of Greenways in Urban Systems – An Interdisciplinary Approach.”
Dr. Ralph Hood (Psychology), Dr. Christopher Silver (LEAD), and Matthew Durham (Psychology) in partnership with Universitat Bielefeld have received $591,972 from the John Templeton Foundation for the project titled, “Faith Development Longitudinal Study Part Three.”
Dr. Eric Hungenberg (Health & Human Performance) has requested and received $25,000 from College Sports Evaluation (CSE) for the project titled, “College Sports Evaluation Analytics.”
Dr. Jisook Kim, Michael Dabney, and Titus Albu (Chemistry & Physics) have received $5,216 from the Alliance of Women Philanthropists – Giving Circle for the project titled, “Bringing Chemistry to Local Kids in Chattanooga Public Schools.”
Dr. Abdul Ofoli (Electrical Engineering) has received $5,000 from the Electric Power Research Institute for the project titled, “Machine Vision Application for Damaged Solar Panels Detection.”
Dr. Hong Qin and Dr. Yingfeng Wang (Computer Science & Engineering) have received $11,546 from the National Science Foundation for the project titled, “REU Site: Interdisciplinary Computational Biology Version 2 – iCompBio2.”
Dr. Jill Shelton and Dr. Amy Doolittle (Psychology) have received $6,500 from the Tennessee Department of Health in collaboration with Western Kentucky University (WKU) for the project titled, “Bingocize: An evidence-based health promotion program to improve the quality of life of Tennessee certified nursing facility residents.”
Dr. Anthony Skjellum (SimCenter), Dr. Eleni Panagiotou (Mathematics), Dr. Yingfeng Wang (Computer Science & Engineering), Dr. Kidambi Sreenivas (Mechanical Engineering) and Dr. Farah Kandah (Computer Science & Engineering) have received $399,868 from the National Science Foundation for the project titled, “CC* Compute: Augmenting a 2,560-core EPYC2 Computational Cluster with GPUs for AI, Machine Learning, and other GPU-Accelerated HPC Applications.”
Thaddeus Taylor and Laurie Allen (Challenger Center) have received $5,600 from the Challenger Center for Space Science Education for the project titled, “Mission Training at St. Clair County Community College for the Challenger Center National Network.”
Thaddeus Taylor and Laurie Allen (Challenger Center) have requested and received $3,000 from the Challenger Center for Space Science Education for the project titled, “Review of Operation Comet Center Mission.”
Dr. Kristina Wick and Dr. Latisha Toney (Nursing) have requested and received $60,000 from the Southeast Tennessee Area Agency on Aging and Disability for the project titled, “Homebound Needs Assessment & Vaccination Initiative.”
Good Luck!
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $4,375,416 in external funding, if awarded in March and April 2022:
Dr. Abdollah Arabshahi (SimCenter) has requested $55,000 from Tachyon HPC for the project titled, “A Framework for Anomaly Detection in Nuclear Power Plants using Real Time Coupling with Digital Twins.”
Dr. Jose Barbosa (Biology, Geology & Environmental Science), Dr. Sandra Affare (Engineering Management & Technology), and Dr. Melissa Powell (Health & Human Performance) have requested $99,560 from the USDA – National Institute of Food and Agriculture for the project titled, “Agriculture and Nutrition for Girls while Encouraging Leadership & STEM-Enrichment (ANGELS).”
Dr. Jejal Reddy Bathi (Civil & Chemical Engineering) has requested $30,000 from the U.S. Geological Survey – Tenn. Water Research Center for the project titled, “Towards Enhancing Bioretention Treatment of Emerging Plastic Pollution in Urban Runoff.”
Will Davis (WUTC) has requested $38,000 from StoryCorps for the project titled, “One Small Step.”
Angela Dittmar, Laurie Allen, and Tiffany Edwards (Arts-Based Collaborative) have requested $33,191 from the City of Chattanooga for the project titled, “Arts Integration and Family Engagement for the City of Chattanooga’s EHS and HS.”
Dr. Dawn Ford (Health & Human Performance) has requested $9,989 from the Coalition for Healthy and Safe Campus Communities for the project titled, “Employee Wellness: Preparedness for COVID and Other Infectious Diseases.”
Dr. Yancy Freeman (Enrollment Services), Dr. Ethan Carver (Biology, Environmental Science & Geology), and Dr. Lisa Piazza (Undergraduate Research & Creative Endeavor) have requested $1,309,438 from the U.S. Department of Education for the project titled, “UTC McNair Program: Promoting Research, Innovation & Scholar Experiences.”
Dr. Zibin Guo (Social, Cultural & Justice Studies) has requested $5,581 from the Department of Veteran’s Affairs for the project titled, “Wheelchair / Adaptive Tai Chi Chuan Training for Tuscaloosa VAMC.”
Drs. Zibin Guo, Darrell Walsh (Social, Cultural & Justice Studies), Elizabeth Hathaway (Health & Human Performance), and Chang Phuong (Computer Science & Engineering) have requested $191,665 from the Department of Veteran’s Affairs for the project titled, “Adaptive / Wheelchair Tai Chi Chuan.”
Dr. Jennifer Hogg (Health & Human Performance) has requested $453,923 from the National Institutes of Health in collaboration with Emory University for the project titled, “Optimization of Personalized Sensorimotor Biofeedback for Acquisition of Injury Resistant Biomechanics that Transfer to Virtual Reality Simulated Sport.”
Dr. Azad Hossain (Biology, Geology & Environmental Science), Dr. Ghadir Asadi (Finance & Economics), and Dr. Jejal Reddy Bathi (Civil & Chemical Engineering) have submitted a preliminary proposal to the City of Chattanooga for the project titled, “A Geospatial Analysis of Public Accessibility to Drinking Water Fountains in Chattanooga, Tennessee.”
Dr. Seong Dae Kim (Engineering Management & Technology) has submitted a preliminary proposal to the Project Management Institute for the project titled, “Dealing with Risks and Conflicts that Come with the Emergence of ESG.”
Charles Mix (IGTLab) has requested $9,130 from the Access Fund for the project titled, “Geodatabase Development & Spatial Analysis of Rock Climbing Areas in Tennessee for Climbing Conservation.”
Dr. Abdul Ofoli, Dr. Vahid Rasouli Disfani, and Dr. Donald Reising (Electrical Engineering) have requested $299,267 from the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy for the project titled, “Machine Vision & AI Application for Damaged Solar Panel Detection.”
Dr. Mbakisya Onyango and Dr. Jejal Reddy Bathi (Civil & Chemical Engineering) have requested $96,964 from the Tennessee Department of Transportation for the project titled, “The Effect of Extreme Climate Shifts to Pavement Infrastructure in Tennessee.”
Dr. Hong Qin and Dr. Yingfeng Wang (Computer Science & Engineering) have requested $11,546 from the National Science Foundation for the project titled, “REU Supplement to iCompBio2 – Deep learning prediction of transmission potential of new variants of SARS-CoV-2.”
Dr. Hong Qin (Computer Science & Engineering) has requested $50,000 from the National Academy of Medicine for the project titled, “Uncovering molecular mechanisms of aging clocks with deep learning.”
Dr. G. Keilan Rickard (Counseling Center) and Megan McKnight (Center for Wellbeing) have requested $374,909 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration for the project titled, “Mocs Recovery Center: A Model Collegiate Recovery Program.”
Dr. Mina Sartipi (CUIP) has submitted a preliminary proposal to the Tennessee Department of Transportation for the project titled, “Feasibility of Real-Time Infrastructure-Driven Intervention for Improving Pedestrian Safety.”
Dr. Joey Shaw (Biology, Geology & Environmental Science) in collaboration with the Alabama Department of Conversation and Natural Resources has requested $28,883 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the project titled, “A Rare and Endangered Vascular Plant Inventory of Apios priceana and Clematis morefieldii within the Walls of Jericho, Alabama.”
Dr. Takeo Suzuki (Center for Global Education) and Dr. Lisa Burke-Smalley (College of Business) has requested $175,106 from the Meridian International Center for the project titled, “2023 UTC SUSI Scholars Program.”
Dr. Khalid Tantawi (Engineering Management & Technology) in collaboration with Motlow State Community College has requested $16,000 from the National Science Foundation for the project titled, “Smart Manufacturing for America’s Revolutionizing Technological Transformation (SMARTT).”
Dr. Jessica Taylor (Learning & Leadership) has requested $279,738 from the Spencer Foundation for the project titled, “Grand Challenges in Assessment: Improving the Measurement of Student Learning.”
Dr. Jin Wang (Mathematics) and Dr. Abi Arabshahi (SimCenter) has requested $410,297 from the National Institutes of Health for the project titled, “A joint computational and experimental investigation of nanoparticle-based treatment for SARS-CoV-2.”
Dr. Mengjun Xie (National Center for Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense) and Dr. Hong Qin (Computer Science & Engineering) have requested $147,083 from the National Security Agency Central Security Service for the project titled, “DoD Cyber Scholarship at UTC.”
Dr. Sungwoo Yang (Civil & Chemical Engineering), Dr. Seong Dae Kim (Engineering Management & Technology), and Dr. Charles Margraves (Mechanical Engineering) have requested $250,146 from the Department of Energy for the project titled, “Low-Cost, High-Temperature Heat Generation using a Passive Solar Collector for Industrial Process Heat Using Inexpensive and Scalable Ambiently-Dried Transparent Aerogels.”