Funded Proposals (5/1/2014- 5/31/2014)
The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $453,768 in external grant and contract awards:
Ms. Sandy Cole, Director of the Center for Community Career Education (CCCE), secured $9,000 from the Hamilton County Department of Education to continue the Postsecondary Awareness With Success (PAWS) program with 4th and 5th grade students at Brown Academy. The students will learn the importance of academic success in elementary school and how that strong foundation will serve them well going into middle and high school.
Dr. Lucien Ellington, UC Foundation Professor of Education and Director of the UTC Asia Program, attracted $17,996 from The Freeman Foundation for teacher professional development programs. The Tennessee office of the National Consortium for Teaching About Asia conducts seminars and creates training materials for middle and high school teachers in the Chattanooga region. The Laurasian Institution also approved UTC to continue as a Japanese Outreach Initiative host site through the summer of 2015. The Initiative, directed by Dr. Ellington, supports a Japanese Outreach Coordinator who conducts community outreach activities to bolster a greater understanding of Japan within the Chattanooga area.
Ms. Anne Gamble, Project Director, Dr. Valerie Rutledge, Dean of the College of Health, Education and Professional Studies, Kay Cowan, Associate Professor in the School of Education, Sarah Sandefur, UC Foundation Professor in theSchool of Education, and Dr. Amye Warren, Professor of Psychology, attracted $388,772 from U.S. Department of Education for year three of the five year program, “Teachers Helping English Language Proficiency (HELP).” The program prepares 140 additional ESL-endorsed teachers and supports them as they work in classrooms serving English learners.
Ms. Ginny Reese, Director of Continuing Education, and Dr. Helen Eigenberg, Professor of Criminal Justice, attracted $38,000 from the Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence to support the 2014 Victim Assistance Academy. The Academy’s curriculum will encompass a variety of subjects including: victims’ compensation, domestic violence, sexual assault, child victimization, elder abuse, rural victims, hate crimes, collaboration, and cultural competency.
Submitted Proposals (5/1/2014 – 5/30/2014)
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals with the potential to generate over $781,378 in external funding, if awarded:
Mr. Joel Baxley (Southeast Center for Education in the Arts) requested $1,475 from the Lusher School to conduct a workshop for faculty and arts specialists at the Lusher School in New Orleans, Louisiana. The topic will be “Introduction to Arts Integration.”
Dr. Ashish Gupta (College of Business) requested $137,814 from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute to evaluate the impact of electronic medical record system implementation on patient care, patient perceptions of care, caregiver perceptions of care, and emergency department operations. Dr. Gupta will work in collaboration with Morgan State University and the University of Maryland at Baltimore.
Dr. Margaret Kovach (Biology, Geology and Environmental Sciences) and Mr. Mark Harvey (STEM Education) requested $25,000 from the George R. Johnson Family Foundation to add a staff member to UTC’s STEM Education program. The STEM Education program enables students to earn both a bachelor’s degree in any of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) disciplines and a certification to teach in secondary schools.
Ms. Laurie Melnik, Mr. Joel Baxley, Dr. Susanne Burgess, (Southeast Center for Education in the Arts) and Dr. Pam Carter (School of Education) in partnership with Hamilton County Department of Education and ArtsBuild requested $574,943 from the U.S. Department of Educationto support a professional development program. The program is aimed at improving teaching and learning across K-5 arts and literacy education through concept-based arts integration.
Drs. Seong Park and Helen Eigenberg (Criminal Justice) requested $39,997 from the U.S. Department of Justice to support empirical research relating to repeat victimization. The study will introduce new methodologies and theoretical perspectives, providing a greater understanding of the causes of repeat victimization.
Mr. Bill Parker (Financial Aid) submitted a letter of intent for $19,963 to the Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga to support financial coaches from UTC’s College of Business. The coaches will offer presentations to local schools and communities and create financial education guides containing free resources and websites for teachers to utilize in their classrooms.
Mr. Brent Rollins and Dr. Bryan Ennis (Civil and Chemical Engineering) submitted a letter of intent to Deutscher Technologiedienst GmbH for research relating to surface adhesion of polymer fibers in concrete. Through innovative chemical and civil engineering applications, the project team will aim to increase bond strength in fibers.
The SimCenter Research Team requested $120,000 from the Department of Defense for research aimed at improving fluid-dynamic simulations used in the aerospace industry.