December 2017 Sponsored Program Activity
The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $277,556 in external grant and contract awards:
Dr. Hill Craddock (Biology) has received $3,515 from The American Chestnut Foundation for the project entitled, “Conservation and Collection of Castanea dentata germplasm in the South.”
Ms. Laurie Melnik and Ms. Michele Mummert (Southeast Center for Education) have received $5,302 from the Shelby County Schools for the project entitled, “Arts Integration Workshops at Sherwood Elementary School, Memphis TN.”
Dr. Anthony Skjellum (SIM Center) has received $60,949 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Collaborative Research: CICI: Regional: SouthEast SciEntific Cybersecurity for University Research (SouthEast SECURE).”
Dr. Anthony Skjellum (SIM Center) has received $186,192 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “SHF: Small: Collaborative Research: Coupling Computation and Communication in FPGA-Enhanced Clouds and Clusters.”
Dr. Li Yang (Computer Science and Engineering) has received $21,598 from Prairie View A&M University for the project entitled, “Developing Innovative Privacy Learning Modules to Engage Students in Cybersecurity Education.”
Good Luck!
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $704,580 in external funding, if awarded:
Mr. Andrew Carroll and Mr. Charles Mix (Vice Chancellor for Research) have requested $10,000 from the Lyndhurst Foundation for the project entitled, “GreenSpaces Mapping Support.”
Dr. Jennifer Ellis (School of Education) has requested $49,855 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “STEM-powering State of Tennessee Education Majors (STEM2) Open Collaboratory.”
Dr. Yancy Freeman (Enrollment Services), Dr. Moise Baptiste (Student Affairs), and Dr. Kimberly Wingate (School of Education) have requested $70,500 from the Tennessee Higher Education Commission for the project entitled, “UTC Summer Bridge Experience.”
Dr. Gregory Heath (Vice Chancellor for Research) has requested $0 from the University of California, San Diego for the project entitled, “Learning from the Lancet – ODV+.”
Dr. Nicholas Honerkamp (Sociology, Anthropology, and Geography) has requested $27,756 from the Plantation Point Homeowners Association for the project entitled, “Archaeology at Hampton Point Plantation.”
Dr. Shewanee Howard-Baptiste (Health & Human Performance) and Ms. Laurie Melnik (Southeast Center for Education) have requested $79,111 from the Tennessee Department of Health for the project entitled, “Preliminary Proposal – D.A.N.C.E..”
Dr. Renee Murley (School of Education) has requested $60,571 from the Tennessee Department of Education for the project entitled, “Governor’s School 2017-18.”
Dr. Anthony Skjellum (SIM Center) has requested $195,388 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “CICI: Data Provenance: Collaborative Research: Provenance Assurance Using Currency Primitives.”
Dr. Anthony Skjellum (SIM Center) has requested $16,000 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “REU Supplement for CICI Grant -SeSecure.”
Mr. Takeo Suzuki (International Education) and Dr. Robert Dooley (College of Business) have requested $195,399 from the FHI 360 for the project entitled, “Social Entrepreneurship SUSI Institute.”