The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $1,103,756 in external grant and contract awards:
Ms. Twyler Boykin (Center for Community Career Education) has received $40,000 in supplemental funding from the U.S. Department of Education for the project entitled, “Upward Bound Math & Science.”
Ms. Belinda Brownlee (Center for Community Career Education) has received $53,563 in supplemental funding from the U.S. Department of Education for the project entitled, “UTC Upward Bound Program.”
Dr. Zibin Guo (Social, Cultural and Justice Studies) and Dr. Marisa Colston (Health and Human Performance) have received $100,000 from the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs for the project entitled, “Wheelchair Tai Chi Chuan as an Adaptive Sport for Veterans with Ambulatory Disability – Further Program Expansion and Promotion.”
Dr. Hunter Huckabay and the GEAR UP team (Center for Community Career Education / School of Education) have received $752,523 for year one of a new, seven-year award cycle from the U.S. Department of Education for the project entitled, “UTC GEAR UP Project.”
Dr. Deborah McAllister (School of Education) has received $33,861 from Vanderbilt University for the project entitled, “NASA Mathematics Resources and Super Source Activities for Elementary Grades Preservice Teachers.”
Drs. Mbakisya Onyango, Weidong Wu, Ignatius Fomunung, and Joseph Owino (Civil and Chemical Engineering) have received $114,809 from the Tennessee Department of Transportation for the project entitled, “Traffic Data Input for Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) for Tennessee.”
Dr. Priscilla Simms-Roberson (School of Nursing) has received $4,000 from the CVS Health Foundation for the project entitled, “2018 CVS Health Foundation Family Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant Scholarship Program.”
Dr. Robert Webster (Mechanical Engineering) has received an additional $4,000 from the Engility Corporation for the project entitled, “Heterogeneous HPC for High-order Stabilized Finite-elements on Moving and Deforming Domains.”
Drs. Amanda Wintersieck (Political Science & Public Service) and Shawn Trivette (Social, Cultural, and Justice Studies) have received $1,000 from the Civic Nation for the project entitled, “#MOCtheVote2018 Student Mobilization Project.”
Good Luck! The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $2,206,827 in external funding, if awarded:
Drs. Raga Ahmed (Electrical Engineering), Mbakisya Onyango, Weidong Wu (Civil and Chemical Engineering), Wolday Abrha (Engineering Management and Technology), Louie Elliott (Mechanical Engineering), Jennifer Ellis (School of Education), and Vahid Rasouli Disfani (Electrical Engineering) have requested $595,936 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “RET Site: Engineering and Data Analytics in Smart Cities.”
Dr. Jessica Auchter (Political Science & Public Service) has requested $2,000 from the Ohio Campus Compact for the project entitled, “Campus Election Engagement Project – Fall 2018.”
Drs. Nancy Fell (Physical Therapy), Mina Sartipi (CUIP), Charlene Schmidt (Health and Human Performance), and Priscilla Simms-Roberson (School of Nursing) have submitted a preproposal in the amount of $399,777 to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for the project entitled, “mStroke: Harnessing mobile technology for optimal post-stroke recovery and recurrence prevention.”
Dr. J. Kevin Ford (Music) has requested $2,000 from ArtsBuild for the project entitled, “UTC Chamber Singers Recording Project and Public Concert of the Choral Music of Ethan McGrath.”
Dr. Kate Kemplin (School of Nursing) has submitted a preliminary proposal to the Department of Defense for the project entitled, “Dramatic Subcutaneous Ultra-Miniature Defibrillator.”
Dr. Deborah McAllister (School of Education) has requested $31,829 from Vanderbilt University for the project entitled, “Elementary and Middle Grades STEM.”
Drs. James Newman, Robert Webster (Mechanical Engineering), Abi Arabshahi (SimCenter), Ethan Hereth (SimCenter), and Craig Tanis (Computer Science and Engineering) have requested $737,077 from the University of Dayton Research Institute for the project entitled, “Aerostructural Analysis Supporting the Development of Hypersonic Vehicle Flight Test Structures.”
Drs. Christina Policastro and Helen Eigenberg along with Prof. Karen McGuffee (Social, Cultural and Justice Studies) have requested $40,292 from the Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence for the project entitled, “2019 Tommy Burks Victim Assistance Academy.”
Dr. Mina Sartipi (CUIP) has submitted a preproposal in the amount of $299,537 to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for the project entitled, “Healthier Citizens and Cleaner Environment through Smart Mobility.”
Dr. Anthony Skjellum (SimCenter) has requested $34,000 from the U.S. Department of Energy for the project entitled, “Better Scientific Software Fellowship 2019.”
Drs. Li Yang, Mengjun Xie, and Mr. David Schwab (Computer Science and Engineering) have requested $64,379 from the National Security Agency – Central Security Service for the project entitled, “UTC GenCyber Teacher Camp.”