

I teach pretty much anything related to writing and technology but, most recently, digital cultures and public writing in the English department at The University of Tennessee—Chattanooga.

I served as the English Graduate Program Director for 6.5 years, and I have previously held administrative/faculty positions as the Director of Rhetoric Across the Curriculum and Co-Director of the Learning Commons at Quest University Canada as well as Co-Director of the major in Digital Cultures & Technologies at St. John Fisher College.

My research interests include community writing, collaborative writing, new media, fan studies, and authorship and audience. My work has appeared in Literacy and Composition Studies, Computers & Composition, Computers and Composition Online, KAIROS, and LORE. My current scholarly interest is graduate studies in English.

Other past jobs include working as the Assistant Factory Foreman on an Alaskan fishing boat and serving in the U.S. Army as a Persian-Farsi military intelligence “voice and signal communications interceptor and analyst.”

In addition to my studies at UW-Madison (PhD 2010), I was also a student at Northern Michigan University (BFA 96; BS,02; MA, 04), where I studied Art and Design (drawing; painting; graphic design; film and digital video production) and English (creative writing and composition). I used to spend a lot of time on the trails of the U.P. and along the shores of Lake Superior XC skiing, mountain biking and hiking. These days, I spend almost all my spare time on home rehab and my side-gig as landlord and real estate rookie.