Are you interested in learning about social movements, intersections of race and education, and the production of social documentaries? Join a screening and discussion of Agents of Change on September 26 at 5pm in the Multicultural Center, 3rd Floor, University Center. Film director and producer Abby Ginzberg will talk via Skype about producing the documentary and the history of the first Black Studies programs in the United States.
Department Head Mike Thompson Leads University in Commemorating the History of Engel Stadium
Plaques documenting the history of Engel Stadium and baseball in Chattanooga were unveiled on September 9 at UTC’s Intramural Sports Complex next to the historic stadium. The plaques were part of a project carried out by UTC students under the direction of history department head Michael Thompson and follow the fascinating history of the stadium, Chattanooga baseball, and their connection to nearby neighborhoods and the city.
The Department of History Welcomes New Faculty Members
The Department of History is pleased to welcome two new full-time faculty members, Edward Brudney and Mark A. Johnson. Read more about what they bring to the Department and to UTC.
Faculty Honored for Their Service — Pictures
Pictures from the Faculty Service Awards.
Africana Studies Updates
Updates from the Africana Studies Program, housed in the Department of History and directed by Prof. Susan Eckelmann Berghel.