UTC History students on why they love history.
Makin’ Bacon: History Class in Hog Heaven Sampling Cured Meats
What started as “one giant hunk of pork” turned into a taste testing for a group of University of Tennessee at Chattanooga students.
Public History Class Takes People’s History Walking Tour
Dr. Kelli Nelson’s Public History class took People’s History of Chattanooga tour with Michael Gilliland in February. Check out these pictures from the tour, taken within a few blocks of Miller Plaza along Market Street and W. MLK.
A cure for bacon? Preserving Southern food and history
Mark Johnson likes bacon. He has always had an interest in history, too. In “Food and Southern History,” Johnson, a lecturer in the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Department of History, gets to combine those passions.
Africana Studies Job Materials Workshop on 3/7
Job Materials Workshop for Africana Studies Students and Friends!