Communication Track

Latest Past Events

Communication Skills for the Workplace – Optum

University Center Fortwood Room

Communication is perhaps the most important skill to develop in order to be effective in the workplace. This skill can be developed with practice. This class will help participants learn how to determine the goal of a conversation and what to do before, during and after it, in addition to how to identify barriers and use best practices.

Nonverbal Communication – Optum

University Center Ocoee Room

“Not to communicate is to communicate!” The power of nonverbal communication is contained in that brief statement. We use facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, posture, proximity, paralanguage, and touch to interpret the messages we receive from others — whether we use words or not.

Personal Power Hour – K@TE class and follow-up discussion

University Center Chickamauga Room

Are you reluctant to voice your opinions to your colleagues for fear they'll be judged negatively? Do you find yourself avoiding awkward communication situations? Confident interpersonal communication skills are essential for healthy and successful relationships, whether personal or professional.