Insurance Carrier Webinars: Vision Options

ANNUAL ENROLLMENT Informational Insurance Carrier Webinars Join these webinars where our insurance carriers will present their product options and you can ask questions about your insurance choices. A recording of each session will be posted on the Partners for Health YouTube page Vision Options Register HERE

Insurance Carrier Webinar: Dental Options

ANNUAL ENROLLMENT Informational Insurance Carrier Webinars Join these webinars where our insurance carriers will present their product options and you can ask questions about your insurance choices. A recording of each session will be posted on the Partners for Health YouTube page Dental Option Register HERE

Annual Enrollment Webinar: ParTNers For Health

Join our benefits webinar! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about your 2022 benefits options. Get information about health, dental, vision, pharmacy and more. Our team of experts will be available to answer your questions. See below for registration details Register HERE

Annual Enrollment Webinars: ParTNers For Health

Join our benefits webinar! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about your 2022 benefits options. Get information about health, dental, vision, pharmacy and more. Our team of experts will be available to answer your questions. See below for registration details Register HERE

Understanding Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

You may know about the tax advantages of contributing to a Health Savings Account (HSA), but did you know that HSAs are also a way to save for health care in retirement? This webinar will help you understand unique aspects of HSAs, including how they help account owners pay for current health care expenses and…

Annual Enrollment Webinars: ParTNers For Health

Join our benefits webinar! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about your 2022 benefits options. Get information about health, dental, vision, pharmacy and more. Our team of experts will be available to answer your questions. See below for registration details Register HERE

Search Committee Training

Search Committee Training is mandatory for anyone serving on a faculty or exempt staff search committee at UTC, and the training must be repeated after 2 years. This Zoom training provides essential information and resources for search committee members.  It includes an overview of the search process, compliance guidelines, the roles and responsibilities of search…

Turn your retirement savings into a “paycheck” for life

You diversify your investment portfolio before retirement to help offset risk. A similar strategy can help see you through retirement. Learn how creating a diversified income plan—one that uses a combination of income sources and includes annuity income that’s guaranteed for life1—can help reduce the risks you may face in retirement and ensure you have…