Emotional Intelligence in Supervisors – Office of Employee & Organizational Development, UT System

University Center Chickamauga Room

KNOW THYSELF! EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN SUPERVISION Marti Willen, UT Employee & Organizational Development Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a key element to success in the workplace, particularly in how we interact with others and manage relationships.  Numerous components of supervision, such as decision-making, giving feedback, and managing productivity, rely on a supervisor’s grasp of self-management, skill…

Double Power Hour Meetup

These Power Hours are created to reinforce on-line learning.  Take these two classes on K@TE: Interpersonal Communication: Listening Essentials – 1 hour K@TE training  Communicating Across Cultures – 1 hour training K@TE and come prepared to discuss!  You can find both courses by typing the titles in to the search button on K@TE. Meetup is from…

Active Listening

University Center Chickamauga Room

ACTIVE LISTENING Faith Lewis, UT Employee & Organizational Development Effective listening is a skill that must be learned. Participants will be able to identify their listening style and barriers to active listening. Participants will gain a stronger understanding and be able to demonstrate empathetic listening through action learning activities and videos.

Managing Change for Managers – Optum

University Center Chickamauga Room

Supervisors face a double challenge during workplace transition. As employees they’re affected by the changes, and as supervisors they must lead their personnel through the transition. This seminar is designed to support supervisors in the midst of a changing work environment.