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Search Committee Training

Search Committee Training is mandatory for anyone serving on a faculty or exempt staff search committee at UTC, and the training must be repeated after 2 years. This Zoom training provides essential information and resources for search committee members.  It includes an overview of the search process, compliance guidelines, the roles and responsibilities of search…

Money at Work 1: Foundations of investing

Money at Work 1: Foundations of investing The formula for successful investing? You plus knowledge. It doesn’t matter how old you are, where you are in your career or how much you make. Reaching retirement goals requires the same things: spend less, save more. It’s really that simple. We’ll give you information to help you…

Market proof your retirement

Market proof your retirement Throughout your career, you probably heard repeatedly how important saving for retirement is. However, as the day approaches, there are additional questions you’ll have to ask yourself. Am I overexposed to market losses? Will I outlive my money? Am I confident that I can retire on my terms? In retirement—and the…