- Students Dottie McSpadden and Nicholas Barron win $1,500 each from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers for the year 2022
- Students Hope Hunnicutt, James French, and Victoria Martino are awarded $1,500 each from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers

Pictured from Left: Hope Hunnicut (Electrical Engineering), Victoria Martino (Mechanical Engineering), and James French (Mechatronics), July 2021.
- April 2020: Dr. Tantawi awarded a grant of $198,065 from the National Science Foundation
- December 2019: Dr. Khalid Tantawi participates in the TIMES-iCON 2019 conference in Bangkok, Thailand and chairs a conference session.

- January 2019: Kasai North America awards a generous grant of $10,000 to the Mechatronics MECH 2490 class to conduct a R&D project on surface scratch detection for Spring 2019.
- October 2018: Students participate in the National Science Foundation-Advanced Technological Education Conference in Washington, DC.
- June 2018: Dr. Khalid Tantawi is awarded a grant of $545,000 from National Science Foundation (Award number 1801120) for the project titled: Smart Manufacturing for America’s Revolutionizing Technological Transformation (SMART2): https://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1801120&HistoricalAwards=false
- April 2018: Students Alex William Cooper and Benjamin Steakley win the first place in the State Robotics and Automation competition, and come in 5th place on the nation.
- For more news items, please visit my website news archives: https://sites.google.com/site/khalidtantawi/news
- November 20, 2017: Dr. Khalid Tantawi chairs the Tennessee Academy of Science 127th meeting of the Engineering Section, which took place in Martin, TN on November 20, 2017. Winners of the TAS engineering section student competition are:
First place winners: Samuel Cafferty and James Rust, Tennessee Technological University, “Production of Biodiesel Using a Solar Powered Thermally-Efficient High-yield Ultrasonic Processor”, TAS 2017
Second Place winner: Omari Paul, Tennessee State University, “The coupling of light with piezoelectric properties in graphene oxide (GO) doped polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)”, TAS 2017
Third place winners: Michael Dill, Adam Deatherage, Jeremy Johnson, and Daniel McGee, Tennessee Technological University, “Enhancing the Design of a Solar Powered Mineral Feeder, Tracker and Pesticide Sprayer for Livestock at Tennessee Tech Farm”, TAS 2017
- Mechatronics project titled: “Solar-Powered Phone Booth Based on Voice over the Internet Protocol (VoIP) Technology” makes it to the news in the Murfreesboro Post: http://www.murfreesboropost.com/solar-phone-finds-a-home-at-motlow-cms-46808
A picture taken with the team members who worked on the Solar-Powered Phone Booth project: Jeff Tyson, Montanta Morton, Jacob Berman, Nathaniel Payne, Parker Wyatt, Brett Hinson, Steven D., and Shayan Sepahvand. Also in the picture mechatronics faculty Omar and myself Khalid Tantawi.
- Dr. Khalid Tantawi receives faculty excellence award on April 17, 2017: https://mscc.edu/faculty-excellence/
- Student Vincent Bush receives Mechatronics Student-of-the-year award.
- November 2016: Dr. Khalid Tantawi is awarded a grant of $ 2,200 from SkillsUSA-Lowe’s for the proposed project titled: “Solar-Powered Light Pole and Phone Booth Based on the Google Voice App”
- November 19, 2016: Dr. Khalid Tantawi is elected as chair of the Engineering and Engineering Technology section of the Tennessee Academy of Science.
- November 19, 2016: Student Vincent Bush wins the first place in the Tennessee Academy of Science Conference for the work presented and titled: “Low-Cost Centralized Supervisory Control System using PLCs connected via a Profibus. Watch a video of this project here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcjU6tpsR9c&t=1s
First place winner student Vincent Bush receives his certificate in the Tennessee Academy of Science Conference, November 19, 2016
- November 2015: two student groups win the third places in the student oral and poster engineering competitions in the Tennessee Academy of Science conference:
April 2, 2015: Students Magdi Zaki and Jabbar Ali Receive Second and Fourth places in the Collegiate meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science, Belmont University, Nashville, TN.
- February 4, 2013: research in the news: