A large collection of over 150 illustrated books and items by university alumnus Barry Moser has been added to the Special Collections in Lupton Library, with more titles to be added. Mr. Moser, who attended the University of Chattanooga in the early 1960s, is an internationally renowned illustrator, printer, painter, printmaker, designer, author, essayist, and teacher whose work is represented in numerous collections, museums, and libraries in the United States and abroad. The collection is being compiled by Dr. Verbie Prevost, head of the English Department and Connor Professor of American Literature at UTC. The books include children’s books and classics such as Dracula, Tom Sawyer, Frankenstein, and the Holy Bible. By typing “Barry Moser Collection” into the Lupton Library’s online catalog, readers may access a listing of the titles in the collection. Individuals wanting to look at these books can do so by request in the Special Collections. Lupton Library is tentatively planning a display or exhibit of some of these titles in the Spring of 2009.