Father’s Day is almost upon us and, with its approach, our thoughts turn to dads and the influence that they have upon the lives of their children. Of course we likely think of other roles when we see the famous fathers portrayed above and it’s easy to forget that they each held the much older & time-honored position of “father“. While we frequently exhibit other photographs of these presidents engaging in political duties, we rarely show images of their family lives- images that make these men more real, more accessible.
The above images belong to our John Rous Collection. Rous (1912-1995) was a Chattanooga native and a photographer who worked for the Washington Times, 1934-1938; Washington Times-Herald, 1939-1944; and was an Associated Press photographer, 1944-1971. He was a member of the White House News Photographer Association and served as its President, 1958-1959.
Famous or not, happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there!!