It’s rare that we keepers of special collections can’t give you a long-winded discussion of each item our hallowed walls retain (snicker, snicker). Occasionally however, we know very little about items that find their way into our collections. This is indeed the case with the watercolor image you see above.
What We Know: This small watercolor, measuring 9″ x 7″, is part of the Anne Bachman Hyde Collection. Mrs. Hyde (1868-1959) was a local historian and book collector in Chattanooga. The picture is titled “Carrick Castle” and signed by “C. MacLean 1904.” On the back, Mrs. Hyde has written: “Given to Anne Bachman Hyde by the Scotch artist Miss MacLean in Fort Worth, Texas, 1904. Carrick Castle in Scotland was the seat of Lord Ullin of the ballad “Lord Ullin’s Daughter.”
What We Want to Know: Who was the artist, C. MacLean? Consulting our resources in Lupton Library, we did not find any information on a British or Scottish woman artist with the last name of MacLean and the first initial “C.” Nor could we find anything online. Also, what else did she paint, and where, if any, are her paintings housed or exhibited? If you have any information, we would certainly be grateful to receive it!
In Other News: Next week you will be reading a post written by our intern, Paul Wilson. We are looking forward to seeing what he digs up for us!
Intern power!
Also, I’m sure you have, but just in case you haven’t I’ll suggest it- have you tried looking in libraries or archives in the Fort Worth area?
Howdy from downstairs.
The artist is most likely Christina Maclean (1853-1947). Born in Glasgow, she emigrated in the late 19th Century and studied at the St. Louis School of Fine Arts and the Art Institute of Chicago. Sometime between 1890 and 1905 she moved to Fort Worth and taught at Fort Worth University, Texas Christian University, and St. Andrew’s School.
Hope this helps!
You’re the best, Lane! This has been bugging Steve for a LONG time… at least he has a starting point now!
You would know all about that Jessica! This question is all Steve- I think now that he knows a bit more, he’ll be more inclined to go digging!