Here in the Special Collections we get new material all the time- we just usually forget to tell you about it. I know, I know, how could we fail to communicate this important info to our users? I have no answer for you. The point is that we will try with all of our collective might to give periodic updates on new materials that we acquire. Though you can find most all of these items in the library catalog, they are special collections and we think you ought to know about them in a more formalized way. Here we crow:
This week’s acquisitions were donated by UTC alum and author, Cherie Priest. Ms. Priest completed an MA in Rhetoric from UTC and is earning quite the name for herself as an author- particularly in the science fiction community. She graciously sent us 8 of her books and signed each one of them. Included in her donations is her 2009 novel Boneshaker which was nominated for a Nebula Award and a Hugo Award, and won the Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel.
Consider yourself updated on this week’s acquisitions and we expect you to stay on the edge of your seat in antici…pation of our next installment of Fresh Finds.
That is the first and only steampunk book I have ever read.