Over the next several months, in conjunction with the university’s 125th anniversary, we will bring you moments in the history of the university library. In its 125 years, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga has had four different names, and four different libraries. The current library, the T. Cartter and Margaret Lupton Library, is in its final months as the university’s library,with the new $48 million library scheduled to open in 2013. The Lupton Library was opened in 1974 and has served the university and community since then. Prior to this library, the university’s library has been housed in Old Main (no longer standing), Founders Hall, and Fletcher Hall (which also housed the city’s public library, but in a separate collection). The new library will be a state-of-the-art academic library, more than able to handle today’s technological needs of a growing 21st century metropolitan university campus. We’ve come a long way from our humble beginnings!