Ok, we’re loosening the rules here … Will Glass is not new to UTC, but recently he left his late-night post at the reference desk for a new position our IT department. Plus, he’s awesome and it’s good to speak with him. And frankly, we’re not sure how we ended up with 15 questions instead of 20. Anyway, Will grew up on Signal Mountain and has been working in libraries for over a decade including positions at Birmingham Southern College and the Chattanooga Public Library. Whereas Will used to be our “Swiss Army Reference Dude” he now helps maintain pretty much all of our PCs and all related networking/software/setup. So, “Swiss Army IT Dude” sounds fitting.
What would you choose for a super power? I would like to be able to snap my fingers and bring world peace … or be able to fly. That would be cool too.
Worst job you ever had? I worked at an apple orchard while I was in high school; couldn’t stand it.
Name three DVDs in our collection that folks should check out right now? Inherit the Wind, Ben Hur, and The Exorcist.
Biggest advantage and disadvantage to working more with computers than people? Advantages: I get to work with new (and some not so new) technology. Disadvantages: I don’t work directly with students as much as I used to.
What is the first album you bought? Wow, this is a good one, Quiet Riot’s Metal Health. (Rock on!!)

What four people, living, dead, or undead, would you invite to your dinner party? Wes Craven, Tod Browning, Boris Karloff, and Alexander Aja
What is your favorite condiment? Hot sauce, I’m addicted to the stuff.
Tell us a fun vacation memory … One of my fondest vacation memories is of my first trip to North Carolina’s Outer Banks.
Current favorite gadget? My Android tablet.
What are some of your first memories of the internet? I remember that it was slow, and it seemed that I spent most of my time trying to close popup windows.
Soda of choice? Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper
What piece of hardware do you most identify with? A pocket knife. It has many different uses and is always handy to have around, except when you’re going through airport security.
Advice for college students? Don’t forget to have fun!
What is your zodiac sign – do you care about zodiac signs? Scorpio. After a long period of keeping up with my horoscope, I finally gave up on it. It never once told me to buy a lottery ticket because I would definitely be the winner. What a sham!
What are you criteria for naming pets? Make it something easily remembered. Pets don’t respond very well to “Hey you.”