Meet Dave Elliott, our new Evening Circulation Specialist.
Though a Chattanooga native, Dave’s been a bit of a wanderer. Before completing his BFA in Media Production at AIU in Atlanta, he spent a year each at MTSU, UTC, and the University of Memphis. While in Atlanta, Dave found himself working for the National Park Service at the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. Upon graduation, he found a job as the Creative Services director for a small, independent TV station, WDNN, in Dalton, GA.
In late 2009, Dave decided it was time for a career change. After finding different openings for video and audio archiving, he began researching the field and discovered that UTK had an ALA accredited graduate program in Information Science. He started at UTK in Fall 2011.
He is very excited to be working for the University of Tennessee system in his new chosen field. Drop by the circulation desk and say hello! And now – on with the questions:
01. A child has just asked you for the origin story of the Tooth Fairy. Go.
“Well, I can’t seem to remember, but we could find out at the local library.”
02. Last non-work-related website you looked at?
Huffington Post.
03. If you could show any modern object to a person of 1000 years ago, what would it be?
A computer (not that it would make any sense to them).
04. You’ve just been tasked with developing a new candy bar. What’s in it & what’s it called?
I’m really into sweet and savory right now and my favorite Ben & Jerry’s flavor, Chubby Hubby, went to the graveyard. So, I’d put peanut butter, pretzel pieces, and nougat together and cover it with chocolate. Name? Ultimo Bar.
05. What question irritates you the most during a job interview?
I really don’t like to list my strengths and weaknesses. I try to prepare an answer beforehand, but I always second guess my answer when the time comes.
06. If you could reorganize the modern work week, how would you change it?
I would change to 10 hour days instead of 8. You could get a lot more done each work day and have a 3 day weekend every week. Win-Win!
07. Which two words can you combine to make them funny?
I’ve actually been trying to combine 2 words for a while now with little success. I’d like to combine friend with acquaintance. You know the type… you know this person much more than just an acquaintance but not really a friend. Any suggestions?
08. What song can you currently not get enough of?
There isn’t one song right now. Instead, it’s a whole album, the most recent release by Mickey Hart, Superorganism.
09. We’ve discovered the cure for sleeping. What do you do with all that free time?
I’d try to fit all that reading in that I keep meaning to get to.
10. Which Golden Girl are you (& why)?
Watching the Golden Girls was a regular part of my family’s Saturday night growing up, but I probably haven’t seen an episode since then. I don’t really remember much about the show other than the basic premise. So, I’ll pick Bea Arthur because I have great respect for her and her career, not that I don’t like the rest of the cast too.