Extended Hours
The Library is open longer hours than usual to give you more time to study. Many days we’re open until 2:00am! Find a complete listing of extended hours and Easter closings here.
Research Rescue
This week, Librarians will be on-hand to help with last-minute research for your final projects. Drop by Library room 208 at any of these times for immediate assistance:
Tuesday, April 15, 6:00pm-7:00pm
Wednesday, April 16, 6:00pm-7:00pm
Thursday, April 17, 2:00pm-3:00pm
Cartoons & Cereal + Furry Finals Relief!
Visit the Library on Wednesday April 23 from 3:00pm – 6:30pm for a quick trip back to childhood. Pop in to enjoy a cartoon and a bowl of sugary cereal in Library room 208 during your quick study break and transport back to the simpler times of childhood.
Then on Thursday April 24 from 10:00am – 2:00pm stop by to meet the Library’s special visitors who can help to relieve your stress. Maggie & Nash, both certified therapy dogs will be at the Library with their trained handlers from the UT College of Veterinary Medicine’s HA.B.I.T. (Human-Animal Bond in Tennessee) program. Stop by to say hi to these pooches with a quick pat on the head. Spending time with animals has been shown to relieve stress! Click here for more details about this fun event!