Here’s the schedule of events happening at the Library this month (event descriptions are at the end of this post):
#LibraryButtons: A limited number of special grand opening buttons will be given out in various locations throughout the new library Monday – Fridays in January. Follow @UTCLibrary for daily locations.
Library Tours: Library staff will guide you through the building and show off all of the wonderful benefits to be found throughout the Library. (FYI: Self-guided tours are available any time)
Studio Petting Zoo: Get a peek at the technology available in and from the Studio! You can play with the equipment, but we ask that you don’t pet the librarians
Graduate Student Lounge Dedication: Graduate Students are invited to visit the brand-new Grad Student Lounge. Coffee & Hot Chocolate will be served!
Open House – Special Collections & University Archives: Discover the valuable and rare books, as well as local history materials that document the diverse history of Chattanooga, the state of Tennessee, the South, and the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
Green Building Design Tour: Discover the environmentally-friendly aspects of this beautiful new Library
Open House: Writing & Communication Center: Learn how the Writing and Communication Center can help you – Students, Faculty, Staff are all welcome for writing help on papers, articles, resumes and more.
Special Tour -Discover the Historical Touches Throughout the New Library: Hear the story of all the beautifully-integrated historical touches throughout the building.
Library Official Grand Opening Ceremony: Please drop by the Library between 3-7pm on Thursday January 20 to celebrate the official Grand Opening of the UTC Library. Tours are available at 3:15, 4:15 and 6:15. A Ribbon-Cutting ceremony will be at 5:30pm. Light refreshments will be provided, and other fun activities are scheduled throughout the afternoon. Musical performances are scheduled as well:
3:30 UTC Flute Ensemble
4:30 LH Mason Singers
6:00 Mockingbirds
We hope to see you there! RSVP and Parking Information available here.