Meet Emily Thompson, Studio Librarian! Emily joined the UTC Library in December, just in time to help move to a new library and set up a brand new Studio for our campus to enjoy! Emily has graciously answered a few questions to help the UTC community get to know her. Before we jump into the questions, here’s some background information you should know:
Originally from Montana, Emily got her BA in Theatre from Drake University. After spending several years working as a costume designer and director, she moved to South Korea to teach English. She then moved to Taiwan before heading to the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor to get her MSI in Library and Information Services. Before coming to UTC, Emily was the Learning Technologies Librarian at the State University of New York at Oswego.
And now, the questions!
1. What do you want UTC faculty, staff and students to know about the Studio?
That the Studio exists and we’re open for anyone from UTC to come and learn cool stuff.
2. Which would you rather be: an expert cartwheeler or the best double-dutchist in the land?
Cartwheeler. I figure that’s one step closer to back flips.
3. What’s your favorite reading genre?
I tend to like anything that has built a complete alternate world. This can be anything from fantasy to dystopia. And travel memoirs.
4. Do you prefer to write with a pen or a keyboard?
I remember things better if I write with a pen. I got a nifty one for Christmas that talks to an app through Bluetooth though, so now I never lose my notes.
5. What have you been most excited about in the 6 months?
Recording in the Audio Suite. It’s a perfect, quiet world in there.
6. Which Golden Girl are you (& why)?
Rose. I tend to run overly cheerful and usually have a long, drawn out story to go with my explanations.
7. Who is your fictional character hero?
Tiffany Aching.
8. Is there an old-timey phrase or expression that you wish would experience a resurgence in everyday usage?
The cat’s pajamas. Jeff and I are working on this together.
9. Any childhood toys that you would still play with today?
Anyone who’s seen my office knows that it’s covered in crayon drawings.
10. Favorite breakfast food?
My mom’s popovers with butter and honey.
You’re invited to drop by the Studio sometime to say hi to Emily!
Tiffany is a great character, but she is no Granny!