The UTC Library is happy to announce a new subscription to Statista, one of the leading providers of quantitative data and statistics on the internet. Statista offers insights on the digital market as well as trends and developments in consumer goods for over 170 industries located in over 50 countries.
This robust database is perfect for business and finance researchers wanting to stay current with rapidly changing markets. The Statista interface is easy to use and clearly breaks down statistical information by market, everything from digital advertising and e-commerce to food, clothes, and consumer electronics. These market outlooks define the scope of the statistical data and provide information regarding revenue, users, and an outlook on the future of each market.
For the more casual user of Statista, the “Statistics” dropdown on the homepage provides a quick overview at some of the data available, along with the website’s most viewed statistics.
Someone out there probably wants to know the Instagram accounts with the most followers:
or the all-time scoring leaders in the NBA
Finally, Statista offers a helpful First Steps and Tutorial page ( to help get you started in finding the statistics you want to know!