An annual celebration, Open Education Week (OE Week) is an opportunity for actively sharing and learning about the latest achievements in Open Education worldwide. Members of the Tennessee Higher Education Commission’s Textbook Affordability for Student Success Task Force have collaborated on a schedule of events celebrating Open Education Week that showcase work happening across the state. Join any of these sessions by registering using the links below.
Monday, March 1 12:00 PM EST / 11:00 AM CST
Introduction to Open Educational Resources
Come to this presentation to learn how you can innovate your classes while saving your students money with Open Educational Resources.
Ashley Sergiadis, Digital Scholarship Librarian, East Tennessee State University
Philip Smith, Teaching and Learning Specialist, East Tennessee State University
Moderated by Nancy KingSanders, Vice Provost for Student Achievement, Austin Peay State University
Tuesday, March 2 12:30 PM EST/ 11:30 AM CST
Tennessee State Universities Panel: Infusing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion into Open Educational Resources
This session will provide an overview of how locally governed institutions (LGIs) plan to implement projects that will increase equity in access to quality digital education initiatives and educational support materials. Recently awarded grants will enable institutions to enact various projects grounded across disciplines and administrative functions. Join us in this high-paced look at six different initiatives happening at Tennessee’s State Universities.
Tuesday, March 2 2:30 PM EST/ 1:30 PM CST
Adapting Open Textbooks for Tennessee Pre-Service Teachers
Join University of Tennessee at Chattanooga professor DR Meece in conversation with Scholarly Communications Librarian Rachel Fleming as they discuss the prospect, process, and potential of adapting Open Textbooks for Child Development and Early Childhood Education courses.
DR Meece, Professor of Education, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Rachel Fleming, Scholarly Communications Librarian, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Moderated by Philip Smith, Teaching and Learning Specialist, East Tennessee State University
Wednesday, March 3 9:00 AM EST / 8:00 AM CST
A Team Approach to Open Pedagogy through High Impact Practices and Experiential Learning
An overview of more than five years of collaborations between the Department of History, Special Collections, and the Library’s Research and Instruction unit at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga to create open pedagogy projects for undergraduate students using high impact practices and experiential learning opportunities.
Carolyn Runyon, Director of Special Collections, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Susan Eckelmann Berghel, Associate Professor of History and Director of Africana Studies, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Dunstan McNutt, Instruction Librarian, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Wednesday, March 3 11:00 AM EST / 10:00 CST
MERLOT Higher Education OER Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$) and OER SkillsCommons Workforce Resources
MERLOT Higher Education National OER Repository for Academic Disciplines and Workforce Development and Career Training OER Resources in showcasing OER Content, search tools, content creation, and OER e-portfolios. /
Robbie K. Melton, Associate Vice President, Tennessee State University SMART Technology Innovation Center
Moderated by
Deborah M. Chisom, Ed.D., Executive Director of Online Professional Studies, Tennessee State University
Dr. Effua Ampadu, Director of Professional Development, HBCU-OER, and eSports at Tennessee State University
Dr. Tokesha Warner, Director, Professional Development, HBCU-OER, Tennessee State University
Thursday March 4 11:30 – 1:30 EST/ 10:30 – 12:30 CST
Tennessee Community College OER Projects Panel
The Tennessee Board of Regents Digital Engagement Initiative / Open Educational Resources Grant Program provides opportunities for teams of faculty and professional staff from Tennessee Community Colleges, Technical Colleges, and Universities (Locally Governed Institutions). Join us in this high-paced look at eight different initiatives happening at Tennessee’s Community Colleges.
Friday March 5 2:00 EST/ 1:00 CST
Using Data-Informed Approaches to Textbook Affordability and Open Educational Resources
In the face of rising costs, can students afford to participate in the educational process in ways that permit for their full academic success? How do educational materials fit into their already stretched budget? This webinar showcases data from two institutions who are exploring affordability initiatives, including open educational resources (OER). Results of both surveys will be reported and put into context with other initiatives and surveys of TN students in order to suggest strategic ways of addressing textbook affordability and increasing the use of OER.
Daniel A. Bureau, PhD, Assistant to the Vice President for Student Academic Success, The University of Memphis
Dr. Ryan Korstange, Assistant Professor, Middle Tennessee State University
Suzanne Mangrum, Acquisitions Librarian, Middle Tennessee State University