Please join me in commending UTC faculty and staff who have received awards or submitted proposals for sponsored programs in March, 2017. If you have any questions about award activity, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Best regards,
The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $293,655 in external grant and contract awards:
Dr. Helen Eigenberg (Criminal Justice) has requested and received $37,725 from the Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence for the project entitled, “Victim Assistance Academy.”
Drs. Andrew Ledoan, Roger Nichols, and Cuilan Gao (Mathematics) have received $5,966 from the Mathematical Association of America for the project entitled, “Chattanooga Math Circle.”
Dr. Daniel Loveless (Engineering Electrical) has received $74,964 from the Vanderbilt University for the project entitled, “Fundamental Research into Radiation Resiliency of Emerging Circuit Technologies Appropriate to the CWMD Mission.”
Dr. Deborah McAllister (School of Education), Dr. Henry Spratt (Biology), and Dr. Shannon McCarragher (Sociology) have received $75,000 from the Tennessee Higher Education Commission for the project entitled, “Leveraging GLOBE Resources to Implement Middle Grades Science and Mathematics Standards.”
Good Luck!
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals the potential to generate over $2,938,333 in external funding, if awarded:
Dr. Amy Brock-Hon (Geology) has requested $70,000 from the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund for the project entitled, “A field and laboratory study to characterize depressions and faults atop the Mormon Mesa geomorphic surface in Nevada.”
Dr. Trevor Elliott (Engineering Mechanical) has requested $49,000 from the Denso North America Foundation for the project entitled, “Baja SAE Capstone Project.”
Dr. Ignatius Fomunung (Mechanical Engineering), Dr. Neslihan Alp (Engineering Technology & Management), Dr. Bradley Harris (Chemical Engineering), Dr. Yukie Kajita (Biology), and Dr. Gary McDonald (Mechanical Engineering) have requested $992,996 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “UTC-ASSETS: Academic Intervention Social Supports, and Scholarships for Engineering Transfer Students.”
Dr. Farah Kandah (Computer Science), Dr. Hope Klug (Biology), and Dr. Preston Foerder (Psychology) have requested $59,919 from the Human Animal Bond Research Initiative (HABRI) Foundation for the project entitled, “uACT: Utilizing Advanced-Computing towards Human-Animal Virtual Therapy.”
Dr. Katharine Kemplin (Nursing), Dr. Jill Shelton (Psychology), Dr. Manuel Santiago (Chemistry), and Dr. Jenny Holcombe (Nursing) have submitted a preliminary proposal to the Department of Defense for the project entitled, “Heart rate Variability as a Covariate Performance Predictor in Special Operations Military Medics Delivering Prolonged Field Care.”
Drs. Yu Liang and Dalei Wu (Computer Science) and Drs. Feng Bao and Cuilian Gao (Mathematics) have requested $617,818 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “BIGDATA: IA: Collaborative Research: Multiscale Data-Driven Healthcare of Aging Bridges.”
Dr. Joanne Romagni (Vice Chancellor for Research) and Dr. Mo Baptiste (Student Affairs) have requested $1,133,000 from the Dept. of Education for the project entitled, “Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program.”
Dr. Mina Sartipi (Computer Science) has requested $15,600 from the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering for the project entitled, “REU Supplement for NSF Award #1647161 – US Ignite: Collaborative Research: Focus Area 1: Fleet Management of Large-Scale Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Settings.”