The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $345,637 in external grant and contract awards:
Dr. Hill Craddock (Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science) has requested and received $10,000 from The American Chestnut Foundation for the project entitled, “Population genomics of diversity, adaptation, and gene flow in American chestnut.”
Dr. Jonathan McNair (Music) has received $2,500 from the CHI Memorial for the project entitled, “A Speck of Light: an Arts-based advocacy for Mental and Behavioral Health Services.”
Charles Mix and Nyssa Hunt (IGTLab) have requested and received $2,861 from the Lookout Mountain Conservancy for the project entitled, “Lookout Mountain Conservancy Conservation GIS Suitability Analysis.”
Dr. Elizabeth O’Brien Oden (Student Affairs) has received $99,883 from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services for the project entitled, “UTC GLS Suicide Prevention Project.”
Dr. Anthony Skjellum (SIMCenter) in collaboration with the University of New Mexico (UNM) has received $230,393 from the National Nuclear Security Administration for the project entitled, “Center for Understandable, Performant Exascale Communication Systems.”
Good Luck!
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $4,008,083 in external funding, if awarded:
Dr. Meredith Barbee (Chemistry and Physics) has requested $5,000 from the Oak Ridge Associated Universities for the project entitled, “Tracking single-chain polymer folding processes through colorimetric host-guest interactions.”
Drs. Amy Brock-Hon, Deanna Beasley, Stylianos Chatzimanolis, Ashley Manning-Berg, Henry Spratt (Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science), Tatiana Allen, Benjamin Stein (Chemistry and Physics), and Morgan Smith (Social, Cultural, and Justice Studies) have requested $890,732 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Acquisition of an Environmental SEM for Interdisciplinary Research and Training of the Next Generation of Scientists.”
Dr. Dawn Ford (Health & Human Performance) submitted a preliminary proposal to the City of Chattanooga for the project entitled, “Healthy Environments Initiative.”
Dr. Azad Hossain (Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science) in collaboration with Hamilton County Government has requested $26,191 from FEMA for the project entitled, “Developing a Model to Map the Potential Areas for Landslide Hazards in Hamilton County, TN using GIS and Remote Sensing.”
Dr. Hemant Jain (Management) in collaboration with the University of Tennessee Health Science Center has requested $1,642,191 from the Economic Development Administration for the project entitled, “Data Science/Analytics Training and Certification Program.”
Dr. Ashley Persons (Social, Cultural, and Justice Studies) has requested $228,564 from the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority (VIWAPA) for the project entitled, “Change Order No. 2 to Archaeological Monitoring Project in Crz Bay, St. John, US Virgin Islands.”
Dr. Jared Pienkos (Chemistry and Physics) has requested $210,497 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Exploiting N-oxides and Halogen Bonds to Modulate the Properties of Transition Metal Compounds.”
Drs. Mina Sartipi (CUIP), Elizabeth Crawford (Learning and Leadership), Jin Sik Kim (Management), Yu Liang, Dalei Wu (Computer Science and Engineering), Reinhold Mann (Vice Chancellor for Research), Donald Reising (Electrical Engineering) have submitted a preliminary proposal to the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “AI Institute for Resilient Urban Social Cyber Physical Systems (AII-RUSCPS).”
Dr. Yunye Shi (Mechanical Engineering) has requested $5,000 from the Oak Ridge Associated Universities for the project entitled, “Impact of Additives on Combustion of Bio-derived Fuels.”
Dr. Anthony Skjellum (SIMCenter) has submitted a preliminary proposal to the US Dept. of Energy for the project entitled, “Enhancing Productivity, Performance, and Portability of Distributed-Memory Exascale Applications through Modern C++.”
Drs. Sungwoo Yang, Michael Danquah, Ignatius Fomunung, Joseph Owino (Civil and Chemical Engineering), Hamdy Ibrahim, Mohammad Mahtabi, and Yunye Shi (Mechanical Engineering) have requested $999,908 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Acquisition of an Advanced Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy for Multidisciplinary Research Activities.”