Congratulations! The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $699,405 in external grant and contract awards: Dr. Amir Alakaam (Health & Human Performance) in collaboration with Green|Spaces has received $10,000 from the Kendeda Fund for the project entitled, “Addressing Social Determinants of Health in Chattanooga: Scaling Regenerative Design.” Angela Dittmar (Arts-Based Collaborative) has received…
January 2022 Sponsored Program Activity
Congratulations! The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $345,637 in external grant and contract awards: Dr. Hill Craddock (Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science) has requested and received $10,000 from The American Chestnut Foundation for the project entitled, “Population genomics of diversity, adaptation, and gene flow in American chestnut.” Dr. Jonathan McNair (Music) has received…
December 2021 Sponsored Program Activity
Congratulations! The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $1,399,723 in external grant and contract awards: Drs. Michael Danquah (Chemical Engineering), Dalei Wu (Computer Science), Henry Spratt (Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science), and Khalid Tantawi (Engineering Management and Technology) have received $450,000 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “High-precision monitoring of foodborne…
September 2021 Sponsored Program Activity
Congratulations! The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $425,724 in external grant and contract awards: Angela Dittmar, Tiffany Edwards, and Laurie Allen (Arts-Based Collaborative) have received $425 from the City of Chattanooga for the project entitled, “Arts Integration Workshop for City of Chattanooga Early Head Start and Head Start Faculty.” Dr. Lucien Ellington…
August 2021 Sponsored Program Activity
Congratulations! The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $2,208,320 in external grant and contract awards: Dr. Christopher Acuff (Political Science and Public Service) has received $47,239 from the City of Chattanooga for the project entitled, “Research and Educational Services by UTC Department of Political Science & Public Service Professors.” Dr. Keith Bridges (Educational Opportunity…