It’s the age old question asked by students, “How will I really use this in my future?” Future Ready Institutes aims to answer this question by equipping teachers to deliver their standards through the lens of a career. This Fall, 20 Future Ready Institutes will open at Hamilton County High Schools. Red Bank High School is hosting the Institute of Computer Sciences and Engineering. In preparation, a team of teachers attended a two-day externship on June 13-14 hosted by UTC College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS).
The Teacher Externship Program aims to give teachers working knowledge of the skills needed for career success, so they can develop curriculum to better prepare students. The externship at UTC CECS featured hands-on exercises led by faculty in computer science and various fields of engineering, as well as a site visit to Komatsu and the UTC SimCenter. Other locations for the June 13-14 externships included Chattanooga Police Department, Chattanooga Fire Department, Hamilton County District Attorney, TVA, Unum, Erlanger, the Tennessee Aquarium, EPB, PEF and Gestamp.
Julie David, Director of Student Success at UTC CECS, kicked off the event with an overview of the college and programs offered for students. “The teachers and principal who attended the externship had extremely positive feedback after day one,” commented Ms. David. “We discussed the opportunity to bring high school students on campus next month for a similar ‘open house’ style visit.”

“UTC College of Engineering and Computer Science is pleased to partner with Future Ready Institutes of Hamilton County and the Computer Science and Engineering Institute at Red Bank High School,” said Dr. Daniel J. Pack, Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science at UTC. “It is a unique learning opportunity for high school students and we look forward to supporting the greater Chattanooga community through the program.”

More information about Future Ready Institutes of Hamilton County can be found here.
Read about the state education grant funding the program here.
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