What made you want to become an English Major?
How do you feel about opting to do the internship program as opposed to a senior capstone or thesis?
What are the biggest things you’ve learned from your internship?
What are some of your proudest accomplishments while at UTC?
I started the Chattanooga Writer’s Society my sophomore year, a creative writing club for all majors, not just english majors. This past year, four of them won the Artists & Authors Scholarship, so that made me really happy.
My book Ascension was published in 2016, which was the biggest moment of my life thus far. It won the Royal Dragonfly Award for New Voice in YA, and then it won the Benjamin Franklin Gold Award in YA from the Independent Book Publisher’s Association.
Interning with Star Line Books is another of my greatest accomplishments. I’ve made a lot of connections there that will hopefully last a long time.
I worked on the Sequoya Review on the fiction editorial team and the Head of the PR Committee; I organized a bunch of events throughout the semester that promoted submissions.
My creative nonfiction piece “How to Be a Wall” was published in The Write Launch in April 2018.
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