The Eric Morse Story: Race, Poverty, and the Criminalization of Black Youth; Dr. Susan Eckelmann Berghel; Thursday, February 13, 2020, 5:00 pm
Black Heroines for Justice: 1980s Terrorism of the Ku Klux Klan in Chattanooga and the Women Who Stood Against Them
Join us at the Bessie Smith Cultural Center for a presentation and discussion about the women who stood up to racial violence in Chattanooga in 1980.
Simulation Workshop: The Impact of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
Interested in learning more about racism in the medical profession? Participate in a simulation workshop that shows the impact of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment between 1932-1972.
Free Public Lecture: “Confronting the Past in Memphis”
Free public lecture on Feb. 20: Confronting the Past in Memphis: Nathan Bedford Forrest, the Antebellum Slave Trade, and the Reinvention of Civil War Memory.
Black History Month Events
This year’s Black History Month program offers many exciting opportunities and events for students, including a free 3-day civil rights trip, several powerful experiential learning activities, and social gatherings to network, debate, and learn. Check out Black History Month program highlights here.