Say you need to read Milton’s Paradise Lost or say, Shakespeare’s Hamlet and the library’s copies are checked out? Or maybe you’ve wanted to test drive an e-book reader before making the purchase plunge? Consider checking out one of our Kindles! The library currently has five Kindles (both old and new styles) that can be checked out for 7 days. These come pre-loaded with upwards of 180 titles, including many of the “classics” that can be hard to find at times.
are there ebooks available if we own a Kindle?
Hi Sarah –
Apologies for the late reply … While we currently offer several ebook collections, they are not able to be downloaded to your Kindle unfortunately. You may view them online. To search our ebook collections, click the “ebooks” link on our homepage under the green “Get Resources” bar.
Sarah – I’m so bummed we don’t yet have a collection of ebooks to offer you for your Kindle! Amazon did announce today that they will start their own lending library program: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/?docId=1000739811. It doesn’t look like a perfect service quite yet, but it’s a start. Thanks for your comment, and please keep checking back with us for more news on our ebook collections 🙂