Meet Jaime Myers, UTC Library’s new Evening Research & Technology Specialist. Jaime’s finishing up her MA in Medieval Studies from Western Michigan University. Which does not mean you’ll catch her anxiously awaiting the Mists of Pandaria expansion set or striking warrior poses at the Tennessee Renaissance Faire. Where you will be seeing her is at the reference desk, nights and weekends, to help with all your burning research questions. Drop by and say hello.
1. Favorite Pop Album from the 1990s: the first Hanson.
2. Favorite Medieval Word: Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre/ mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen lytlað. This is the code of conduct for Anglo-Saxons from “The Battle of Maldon.” What it really says is: Do your best & work your hardest, until you can’t anymore.
3. First Freshman Memory: Not the first, but taking classes that I thought were my subject area turned out to be a lot harder than they were going to be.
4. Freshman Advice: Don’t skip class. Moreso than in high school, you miss ridiculous amounts of information. And it’s more difficult to make it up.
5. Hero or Villain: I think I would be a hero…I think. A hero of the wild places. I think that’s called being an environmentalist. My super power of the wild places would be preventing environmental degradation.
6. A Hobby We Might Not Suspect: Rock Climbing. I’m up to a 5.10B, which took me six months. I’d like to take a trip down to Hueco Rock Ranch, which has the best bouldering area in the United States. A second dream would be staying at Camp 4 in Yosemite.
7. If you could be the voice of any cartoon character, who would it be: Pocahontas.
8. What is an important issue to you in the upcoming election: The…e…con…ommm…yy…
9. Last movie you saw in the theater: Thor. I’ve been a graduate student. I’m pretty much lucky if I get out of my apartment.
10. How do you want people to greet you at the desk: Nothing fancy. Just my first name. Plus Queen of the World.
11. If you were one of the 7 dwarfs, which one would you be: *Proceeds to research names & character traits. Suspiciously, never answers.
12. What prescription are your glasses: PL -1.50 0.92, -.25 -1.25 0.84
13. Pets: I have an American Dingo named Abby. She is almost two and a half. They are native to the Southeastern United States. People used to think they were mutts, because if you cross your eyes, they sort of look like lab mixes. But they’re the American equivalent of the Australian dingo. She talks to me. What’s the last thing she said to me? “Mwrrnn.”
14. It’s 2am and you are hungry. What do you snack on: Microwave popcorn. Pop Secret Homestyle.
15. Thing you wanted to be when you were a kid: An ecologist. I just wanted to go out into the woods.
16. If you were an advertising catchphrase, which would you be: “Think different.”
17. Describe your last three years in popular song lyrics:
There’s two feet of snow since we spoke.
There’s icicles all in a row;
They look like fangs about to close
. . .
Oh, I don’t know what to do with myself…
Oh, I don’t know what to do with myself…
Oh, I shovel…
I shovel the drive.
– “Shovel” by Breathe Owl Breathe
This poor southern girl spent the last three years living in Michigan, so . . . yeah . . . shovel.
18. Freud Vs. Jung: Freud. That’s who my research is based on, in particular Three Essays On the Theory of Sexuality.
19. Thesis Title: “‘And His Head Rolled Forth on the Floor’: Women, the Abject, and the Male Gaze in Old English Heroic Poetry”
20. Favorite Philosopher: Boethius. Because he more than anybody found the answer to, “Why do bad things happen to good people?”
Is Hueco closed?